Key Verse:

Yesterday morning, in staff chapel at Ramsey Solutions (Dave Ramsey’s headquarters) outside of Nashville, Bay reminded me of a family story that we tell often. 

It is worth repeating with a little twist giving it some spiritual significance.

It dawned on me as Bay was sharing the story that there is a TRUTH, we all need to be reminded of on a regular basis. 

First the story.

When our grandson, Ethan, turned four, he, along with his family, came to Colorado for a summer visit.

As a little guy, he loved riding Papa’s horses; and, he’d stand for the longest time on the corral fence just watching Papa saddle and work with them in the round pen.

He always wanted to ride by himself, and, although he was still pretty young to do so, he seemed pretty comfortable in the saddle. 

So, one day, Papa let him ride our gentlest horse all by himself, following behind Papa up to the back of the property.

It was fairly obvious that this made E quite proud of his little self.

Before they left the round pen, Papa gave him some good instructions, reminding him how to use the reins as his “steering wheel.”

Off they went.

They weren’t going for too long of a ride, but enough of one that Ethan would feel like he was pretty big stuff.

I guess at one point, Bay gave E another reminder about the reins, but Bay’s report upon their return boasted that E rode like a true cowboy.

However, Ethan had another story.

When I asked him how the ride went, he immediately responded (and here, I only wish I could give you a little audio of the way he said it for the full effect – think Eeyore, from Winnie the Pooh), “I didn’t do the rules….”

Somehow these “rules” he didn’t “do,” caused his riding enthusiasm to diminish.


The following is the truth that resonated with me yesterday morning. 

How often do we, as followers of Jesus, attempt to “add to the gospel.” 

We figure out (or, someone informs us of their interpretation) of the “rules” for Christian living.

Once saved, there is a “to do” list we must follow if we are going to be “good enough.”

I don’t think I need to create an example for you – it’s as long as your perspective. 

The “rules” generally follow this format.

If I do ___________________, then Jesus is pleased and smiles down on me.

This problem is as old as time. 

It gets confusing, because there are certainly spiritual rhythms I keep (like having a quiet time every morning, or attending church on Sunday) that can feel like I’m following a law, but really those things only create space for me to draw closer in intimacy to the Lord.

When the laws we add start becoming 

Gospel + Something Else = Pleasing God

we begin to lose the joy that comes with faith.

When duty becomes our focus, it will destroy the relationship we have with the Lord.

Duty always destroys intimacy. 

Yet, as I grow in intimacy, the “want-to” to chase after anything that allows me to get closer to my Savior GROWS and GROWS.

Want-to is never birthed out of HAVE-TO.

Like Ethan we can get discouraged by the HAVE-TO-DO, which is man-created, not Spirit-led, by thinking we “didn’t do the rules.”

The result: 

Rules bewitch us, and, then…

They will always, always, always…

Steal our joy.

What, then, has happened to all your joy? Galatians 4:15a (NIV)

Instead, how do we then live?

One step at a time…

The same way we received salvation…

By grace, through faith in Christ alone.

As we do…we seek His desire and power to work out our salvation in us to do that which pleases Him…

I love how the Apostle Paul puts it in Philippians 2 (where I have been studying the last few days) – Verses 12b-13 (NLT):

…show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

Bottom line – 

It’s not about “doing the rules” or not…It’s all about seeking intimacy with our Savior.

The rest falls in place.

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