I am the good shepherd (John 10:11, 14)…Part 2
Not only does a good shepherd lead…
            A good shepherd provides.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me to lie down in green pastures
(Ps. 23:1-2a)
By name, our God is Jehovah Jireh (meaning, I AM…the God who provides).  The Hebrew word for “want” is chacer: to lack, to be in need.  We may not have all we “want,” but we can be assured our needs are taken care of on a daily basis.  My biggest problem is that I get my needs and my wants all mixed up.  It’s so easy to do when you live in our instant gratification society.  So, in order to get perspective, I’ve had to ask myself: what does God say?  Not Abraham Maslow.  Not the government.  Not my next door neighbor.  If my shepherd promises to give me what I need, then maybe I need to examine what my shepherd thinks is important.
In Genesis 22 – God provided the lamb.  As sheep, our shepherd became the lamb that took away our sins!  We NEED salvation.  He provides.
Throughout the Psalms & Proverbs as well as in Matthew 6: God provides food, clothing, shelter…and we do not need to worry.  He provides.

In 1 Corinthians 10:13, He provides a way out of temptation…  I have an escape.  Thank you, Lord…I definitely need that provision!
In Philippians 4:13,  God provides us with strength.  In Romans 8, we’re reminded that we have unlimited power for “the one who raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells in me!”  I can do all things!  An amazing provision!
In Isaiah 61, God provides good news: healing for the brokenhearted, freedom for captives, release from darkness, a comfort for those who mourn, and a crown of beauty out of t he ashes of our lives…  I can be a Resurrection Woman!
In Ephesians 2, God reminds us that, while we were once far off, now we are brought near, and adopted into a new household:  a community designed to be a family.  I am never alone!
Also in Ephesians 2:10, God provides for us a “good work” that he predestined us to do “in Christ Jesus.”  I have purpose!
In Ephesians 3, we have been granted full confidence to approach the throne of grace!  I am heard!  I take advantage of this provision often!
In Revelation, we have the hope of heaven.  I have a future and a hope!  God knows we need this kind of “vision,” for without it people perish!
In Hebrews 12, God provides a cheering squad that helps us endure the toughest of times.  Yep – need that, too!
I could go on and on…thus far I am overwhelmed at what I have been given!  I am truly blessed.  My Shepherd provides above and beyond all that I could ask or even imagine. Praise, Jehovah Jireh – “I Am” the One who provides!

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