I realize we’ve already looked at Jesus’ statement about Himself in John 14:16, “I am the way, the truth…”  However, bear with me.  There’s more, I think, needs to be said about this FACT.
If Jesus is THE TRUTH, then He cannot lie.
If Jesus is THE TRUTH, then what He says He will do, He has to fulfill.
If Jesus is THE TRUTH, then I can take what He says to the bank, and live as if it is TRUE, even if circumstances around me tell me differently.
Right?  Of course, right!
The question, however, is do I?  Do I live like I know His words will be fulfilled?  This is where I see a total disconnect in my life and figure I am probably not alone.
Often times my circumstances drown out THE TRUTH.  Sometimes, the way I feel drowns out THE TRUTH.  Now and then, what I hear from the media, read in books, and see in my culture, drowns out THE TRUTH.  Other voices are much louder than THE TRUTH.  Because they are louder, they appear to be true, when, in fact, they are downright lies.  The father of lies is very manipulative in that way.  What screams the loudest always gets my attention. 
When this happens, I lose hope.  I know that happens to you, as well.  I know that, because I am journeying alongside several of you, who have lost hope and are longing to see it renewed.  Hope is only renewed by focusing on THE TRUTH (Isaiah 40:31).  TRUTH only is heard when we are silent enough, and still enough to listen (Ps. 46:10). 
With that in mind, God sort of (in His very gentle way) slapped me upside the head with these words from King David (who seemed to frequently lose hope):
But as for me, I will hope continually, and will praise Thee yet more and more. (Ps 71:14). 
A couple of things rattled around in my brain:  Finding hope is an intentional act of the will.  It is a continual process (never stops).  Hope’s intentionality is in spite of what others say, the way I feel, or what I observe in my circumstances.  Hope rests on THE TRUTH; and, THE TRUTH be praised in increasing value.
I hope you are encouraged, because I am.
(A)  He is THE TRUTH  +  (B)  I AM HOPE-FULL  =  (C)  I live what is true no matter what!!!

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