who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus
(Phil 1:6).”
Someone posted this verse on Facebook this morning, which sent
my mind traveling down an “i am” road, which I didn’t expect.  Here’s what Paul is trying to say in so many
words, “I am: not perfect!”  Nope.  I am not perfect!  I am far from perfect.  I am in process of becoming, but I am not
perfect.  The process is called
I love this truth! Love it! 
Just saying it over and over (as I just did) is quite liberating.  The statement takes a lot of self-inflicted
pressure off.  I’m a perfectionist by
nature.  I confuse my perfectionism with
God’s expectations of me.  He doesn’t
plan on me being perfect this side of heaven…it won’t be
until the day of Christ Jesus!
What God does ask for is for me to “work heartily
(meaning as from the soul)“ in Colossians 3:23. 
He doesn’t want me to work heartily with the motivation of pleasing men –
that gives man too much power and control. 
He does want it to be “as unto him.”  I’m the one who wants perfect.  I want instant complete (another word for
perfect).  I want instant maturity.  Why? 
Of course, I want the pats on the back, the atta-girl, the well-done.
According to what I do know, all of those words are reserved
for the Lord to speak over me when the race is won.  Of course, there are those cheering us on,
but that’s another story.  One day, the One I’ve been reconciled to by the blood of Jesus will give the coveted, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  All he asks of me on this earthly journey is
Faithful to:

Suffer as a
good soldier

Work with
consistency as a farmer

Train as an

Prepare and be
ready as a bride waiting for her groom

Surrender as a
living sacrifice

Remain weak so
he can be strong

I want
perfect.  I’m the one disappointed and
frustrated if I’m not.  I judge.  I grade. 
I lecture.  It’s been this way
since I was a kid.  I loved the feeling
of accomplishment when I completed a goal.

But the
older I have gotten, the more pressure I have felt under the weight of perfect.  So God has reminded me,
“You are not perfect…yet. Don’t expect to be.”
  In fact, he pleads, “Stay
weak!!  It is in your weakness I am made
strong.  When others see me doing what
you cannot do in. and of, yourself, they will look past you, and see me!”

Simply put,
his message is this: “Remain weak…please…for heaven’s sake!!”

There is
GREAT RELIEF in this truth.  Sigh.

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