For He (God) chose us to be in Him
(Jesus) before the creation of the world to be
Blameless in His sight. (Ephesians 1:4)

word “chosen” absolutely amazes me.  Growing
up, I was rarely chosen for anything.  I
knew what it was like to be “unchosen” – especially when it came to
sports.  As a little girl, I wore big clunky
shoes with braces fitted in them, because my feet were “broken.”  At least that was my perspective. So, I didn’t
participate in athletics the way a lot of kids did growing up.  So, at recess or gym class, whenever a game
began, team captains were awarded the honors of picking their teams.  Remember what that was like?  We all lined up, and one by one they chose
their teammates.  Everyone knew that the
last couple remaining were the worst ever players in the whole wide world.  The one who wasn’t picked was even worse than
the worst, and most of the times, their names weren’t ever called.  They just walked, head hanging to the other
side. Let’s just say, I understand how it feels to not be picked. 

But, God
chose me.  He chose you.  Not only did He choose us, but He hand-picked
us before He ever created the world.  At
that time, when the earth was without form and void, He knew your name (Isaiah
43:2, “I call you by name.”  I don’t understand it.  Yet out of all the people who would be born,
somehow, He knew my heart.  He knew your
heart, and looked inside of you, and said, “I pick ­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________
(here’’ where you insert your name) to be holy and blameless.”  That is how He sees you…  That is who you are – a blameless and
holy creation.  After some consideration
of this fact, I wrote the following poem. 
I pray the meaning of being a chosen one becomes much clearer to you:

hard to see

Why God
chose me

the world began

But He
looked in my heart and set me apart

called me to be part of His plan.

I was crippled and lame,

forth He came-

finger pointed at me.

you I choose,

you’ve nothing to lose –

A part
of my team, you’ll be.”

looked around

were others to be found

more worthy than I’d ever be.

is it not a mistake?

are others to take…

closer, I think  you’ll agree.”

trembled with fear,

But His
response was clear

compassion filled His eyes.

mistake!  You’re my choice.”

heart soared and rejoiced.

I felt
humbled, uniquely prized.

Whom He
calls – He justifies –

– glorifies.

He is
for us!  We’re precious to Him.

Not one
can charge us.

Not one
can condemn us.

transformed by His love within.

faithful I’ll be,

To the
One who chose me

sees me as nobody sees.

heart I give.

My life
to live,

proclaim His excellencies!

Peter 1:1-2, 1 Peter 2:9, Romans 8:29-33, Eph. 1:4)

 Well, grab a few more of those 3 X 5 cards.  It’s time to add to your “i am”
statements.  Here they are:

 I am hand-picked
by God, specially chosen.

I am known by name.

I am holy.

I am blameless (more on these last two later).

 Spend a little time reflecting on these truths.  Sit with them. What do they really mean to

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