have to do a little work to figure out what identity statement is yours to
reflect on today.  So, get your fingers
ready to do the walking, ‘cause you’ll be turning some pages of Scripture
(honestly, there’s no prettier sound to me than hearing the pages of the Word
turn).  As you look the verses up, write
in the blank; this will be your key identity truth on which to focus.



Jeremiah 31:3
Psalm 31: 7, 21
Psalm 32:10
Psalm 33:5

Psalm 36:5-7

Isaiah 54:10
John 15:9
Ephesians 3:17-18


Fill in the blank:  I am _________________!

taken awhile to get to this one.  If I’d
been “planning ahead” properly, this should have been #1.  It’s foundational.  Everything about the Christian life is built
on this one strong unbending, unfailing truth. 
It’s the reason there’s grace. 
It’s the reason there’s a heaven. 
It’s the motive behind everything else you are.   Paul prayed that his new believers would
understand the height, the depth, the width, and the length of this truth.  There’s nothing you can do to earn it.  There’s nothing you can do to change it.  You can’t be loved more.  You will never be loved less…no matter what!

enough, it is the very truth that hovered over Jesus as He entered His
temptation and battled the enemy, while at His weakest.  It’s the very truth that kept Him sweating
drops of blood in the Garden instead of running out of Jerusalem
and Judea as fast as He could go.  It’s the very thing that kept Him hanging on
the cross.  You are amazingly and
undeniably (even though unworthy) loved! 
Me, too!

difference does this fact make in our lives? 
Someone else said it well.  If I
truly BELIEVE this fact, I can:

praise or rejection.

with my success or failure.


I don’t have to:

my worth

a name for myself


other words, I will be what I believe!  I will live loved.

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