Living in the Waiting

Over last summer, we lost a friend who’d been battling a terminal illness for over four years.
In spite of the illness, our friend never lost his sense of humor, his “knack” for interminable teasing, and spunk.
I was honored to be asked to give a eulogy at his celebration of life service.

As Bay and I reminisced together different stories from our shared past, one word kept rising to the surface as we laughed and discussed all the memories.
From that one word, I wrote the eulogy, describing Dave’s life…
Here’s the word:
What a fantastic descriptor of someone’s character.
That one word actually has three parts to its definition.
The first part had me laughing. It comes from an Old English word coined back in the 1500’s, meaning “fire blower.” A fairly descriptive word for someone who can express their opinion rapidly, “breathing out fire,” and then move on. Fire blowers tend to be quick to speak, often regretting they didn’t do a better job of counting to 10 first. And, yet, you always know where this person stands. You never have to wonder what they might be thinking. I find most fire blowers are quick to want to put out the fire and make things right, as well.

Meaning number two tells us that the “feisty” lean towards courage and fortitude in the face of difficulty. These folks have pluck and determination. Definitely, a skill I covet…
Last, but certainly not least, in the pile-up of definitions is the one that told me “feisty” marches in with a spunky attitude and enthusiasm.
Put those three definitions together and you have a picture of our friend, Dave.
However, I had just put the last period on my eulogy notes, as I was also beginning to study the life of John the Baptist.
It certainly didn’t get past me that John might easily be described by his close friends the same way.
As a preacher, John most definitely fit the “fire blower” piece of the feisty puzzle.
Crowds knew where John stood on religion and politics of the day; and, he spoke with fortitude and determination (it didn’t seem to bother him in the least if he might offend someone), which also fits the spunky attitude (definitely, John).

Yes, feisty fits John, just as it does his predecessor, Elijah, before him,
Frequently described as a “fiery” prophet, John walked in similar sandals.
As we look toward the end of 2024, and step into a new year, it might behoove us all to examine our lives and add just a little bit more feisty to them.
Quick to speak Jesus and what we believe about His gospel.
Showing up with fortitude in spite of our difficult circumstances.
And, living with a little more heart, a little more spunk in our attitudes.
As we wait for our Savior’s second Advent, John the Baptist, once again, gives us a clue how to walk along on the way as we are in the waiting: