Recently I read some article that popped up on the internet, as I was browsing for something else, that led with the following headline:


In the next sentence the author asked me to examine my current posture. 

Have to admit, I failed the test as the questions were asked.

No doubt, you read the word “posture” above, and immediately self-corrected.


Take a minute and evaluate what it was like before you sat up a bit straighter and pulled your shoulders back: 

What’s your typical posture? 

What’s the bearing of your body as you sit at your desk, on the couch watching television, or as you walk?

Are you slumped over? Back rounded? 

What about your shoulders? 

Does your head lean to the side or fall forward?

What about your abdomen muscles? Are they tight toward the spine, or pooch out? 

Do your arms cross your chest or do they hang relaxed at your sides? 

Without good posture, we suffer back pain, spinal dysfunction, joint degeneration, rounded shoulders, pot bellies, a lack of muscle flexibility, and the list goes on…

As we age, the more we need to work on our posture. 

Anyway, as mentioned, I failed the test, but soon declared to prepare for better posture in 2023. 

The concept of physical posture made me realize that I ought to take a look at my current spiritual posture!

Truly, if physical posture matters, so does the spiritual!

In a couple days, we transition into a new year. 

What a great time to declare that you will prepare, not just to improve how we enter the year physically, but even more importantly, how we begin 2023 spiritually…

So, I’ve come up with a list of questions I am asking myself (you are welcome to borrow them):

What was my spiritual posture in 2022? 

How well did I exercise my spiritual muscles?

Did I discipline myself for the purpose of godliness? 

What lessons can I learn from this past year that will help strengthen me for a new year?

Are there specific spiritual practices I neglected that have left me in a “slump”…and, how did I handle relationships, projects, goals?

What were some personally defining moments that positively impacted my spiritual health…things I can and want to carry into a new year? 

Am I standing strong, and walking upright?

With these things in mind, I plan to prepare for 2023 with a declaration of intent, as I answer these two questions:

In what ways can I improve my soul health (this can be expanded, of course, to physical, emotional, mental, social, occupational health, as well)?

What action steps can I take (even just one baby step can make a huge difference)?

My spiritual posture matters!

Without it, muscle fatigue sets in and pretty soon our souls will atrophy to spiritual concerns. 

Sadly, this seems to be an area that gets placed on the back burner of priorities for many of us….

Spiritual posture matters in light of eternity!

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