I’ve hiked it a million times (ok, that’s an exaggeration, probably it’s more in the hundreds).
I’ve stood on the same ledge and overlooked the valley below.
This morning, the sun-angle cast a different kind of glow, giving a different kind of sheen to the scenery below me.
I noticed things I’d never noticed before…
And, of course, I hadn’t brought my phone for a camera shot (so an old one will have to suffice).

It happens to all of us at random times.
For some reason, we see things-common just a little differently.

Our eyes are opened to a world generally unseen.
Not unlike walking through a wardrobe door, or falling down a rabbit hole.

I might have quickly let the moment pass, but I’d started a quest. 
It came on the heels of last week’s blog, and two simple thoughts that have captured my heart and had me meditating:

I’ve named the quest.
Operation “Awspiring“…(it’s a word I’ve made up; I rather like it).

I’m taking more time in my day to pay attention:
     To look for wonder.
          To see the gracious hand of the Lord.  
               To be held in AWE…to be AWESTRUCK!
                      To be enraptured and inspired.
                            To be left breathless.
                                   To learn what it means to fear the Lord.

I’ve asked the Lord to help me see Him with fresh eyes in old ways.
     In His creation.

          In His Word.

                In the melodies of music.
                     In art.
                           In the folks with whom I connect
                                (especially hearing about His MIGHTY Hand in their stories).

This quest began because I, personally, desire to fight fear with fear.
Then I realized that to fear the Lord is much broader. When we stand AWSPIRED by the Lord many things change (as you read the list, you’ll see, who wouldn’t want this to be said about them?)! 
I’m wiser.
     Make better choices.
            Develop a more intimate relationship with my Lord.
                 I’m more confident…
                      I’m a bolder witness.
                           The motivations of my heart are purer.
                                I can rest untroubled by trouble.
                                     The Lord, not people, direct my path.
                                          There is peace about me.
                                                My worship is purer.

And…though I’ve tried, there is no other way to say it, so I’ll just use the Lord’s words:

Oh, that they had such a heart as this always, to fear me and to keep my commandments, that it might go well (to be good, pleasing, joyful, to be well-placed) with them.
(Deut. 5:29)

Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord…
(Psalm 128:1)

This, then, sums up the prayer of Operation Awspiring’s quest, perfectly:

“May we never lose our wonder. Wide eyed and mystified may we be just like a child staring at the beauty of our King.”  (Bethel Music, Wonder)


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