Lent Day 39…

Somehow, Lent Day 35, 36, 37, and 38 got lost in all our travel over the last two weeks. I just didn’t consider how much time would be consumed in our ministry opportunities, discovering the English countryside, making new friends (who quickly became “family”), and eating out in some amazing old pubs, eclectic restaurants, hospitable homes….and sipping tea/coffee several times a day. In fact, I sipped so much tea/coffee that my back-to-normal-one-cup-a-morning is leaving me with a pretty yucky headache this morning.

Needless to say, there was much about England we loved…and, we would enjoy going back, if the Lord opens the doors another time.

BUT…as always, it is good to be home.

After 14 days away, we traveled 25 hours door-to-door to drop exhausted into our very own bed. 

Seriously, we saw amazing sights, but the first look at “home” was exhilarating.

The topic of being home, in my “sighing place” – this has been my morning’s reflection. It really is very much a part of the #lentenjourney.

It struck me how much coming home means to me…yet, my Savior LEFT His home…

He left it willingly.

He came to a cold, dark, sinful earth…

Where He had no place to call home,

No where to even lay His head…

He separated Himself from God, His Father…

(that had to be HELL for Him!)

Stripped Himself of His rights as God, the Son…

To become man…

To become a servant…

To inconvenience Himself…

To feel pain…



For me.

So, was it an “accident” this morning, when after writing about being home in my journal, I clicked onto our Twitter account and read this quote? NOT AT ALL…it was more of a confirmation, a DIVINE AFFIRMATION, and, definitely an AWE INDUCING THOUGHT…

“Jesus went without a home so you’d have a heavenly home; He came to this broken and sinful world, so you’d live forever where sin is no more.”
-Paul David Tripp-

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