Sometimes my study in God’s Word takes me to places of comfort.
Sometimes I find myself a little beat up (this I have, over the last few weeks of learning how to “Man-up!'”).
But at all times, I discover a God who loves me, and who longs to journey with me through the transformation process.
He loves me enough He doesn’t want me to stay stagnant…
Ever growing…
Ever going deeper…
Ever looking more and more like the Son He sacrificed on my behalf.
Never personally or spiritually satisfied, simply seeking (& finding) more of Him…over time.

I’d like to see all that happen faster,
According to my timetable.
After all, don’t I live in a world where instant gratification = better service?
I get….well…impatient.
Tired of the same old struggles.

Tired of the slow process that lasting change takes.
Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that I am “being perfected.”
I don’t like slow progress.
So, I get frustrated…sometimes angry.
Here’s the good news for me…I am not God.

And, another thing,,,
Sometimes, I forget others are in the same process of “being perfected.”
Sometimes, I get impatient answering the same questions,
Hearing the same scenarios,
Praying for similar requests.
I don’t like slow progress.
So, sometimes I get frustrated…sometimes angry.
Here’s the good news for you…I am not God.

God does not demand instant maturity.
He doesn’t expect that I will get it right, RIGHT NOW,
God is patience.
He isn’t just patient.
He is patience.
It’s part of His nature.
I know this by mathematical deduction.
If A = B, and B = C, then A and C are also =.
It’s not rocket science.
God is love.

Love is patient.

Therefore, God is patience. The Old Testament calls it “long-suffering” (literal meaning is that He is “slow to get in one’s face.”)

So, He is patient with me in the process of maturity | completion | perfecting.

I don’t receive His patience because I’m deserving, but because of who He is.

This is great news! It’s jumping up and down, leaping for joy good news! Unlike me, He doesn’t get frustrated or angry at slow progress. What grace!

So, as I come to the end of surveying Paul’s admonition to “act like men,” I find myself resting on a ROCK of GRACE. A rock that reminds me, my Lord gives ample time for grace to do its perfecting work. 

About the time I settled down on that rock, I read this sweet quote:

“It is God’s tender willingness to wait that allows His powerful grace to finish it’s transforming work.”

What I tried to say in all the above, has been said perfectly in one sentence. 
Now – JUMP FOR JOY…and be patience (with yourself and others). After all, the one who is patience lives in you!!! AND…thank the Lord that I am not God, though, even I, am trying to be more like Him, too.

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