It had been a while since I was handed an invitation…

but it came again on a dreary morning this week.

The first time, I took up the offer with no expectations, and was gloriously surprised at the romance extended, as the Lord met me on a hard-packed-dirt-road, handed me a daisy, and a reminder of His great love for me.

The invitation comes for you, too, hand-delivered.

Not by a mailman, the UPS-deliverer (though my UPS-man thanks me every time he comes to my door for keeping him and Amazon in business), or the Fed-ex guy. Nope!

It comes from the Lord, our God, Himself!

The offer is found in a Bible verse found in Psalm 46.

This psalm is short; and the offer is often passed by, because there are a few more familiar passages to us (like these):

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble…therefore, we will not fear (vs 1, 2a)

Be still and know that I am God (v. 10)

The Lord of angel armies is always with us  – by our side (v. 7, 11)

However, the invitation God offers is right there in the heart of the Psalm:

“Come and see the works of the Lord (v. 8 a)…”

That’s where I stopped reading –

– and I just KNEW yesterday morning, I was invited to take a walk with the Lord God Most High, My Sovereign King, the God of Angel Armies.

There are two important words in that invitation –
Come” – and if you follow the breadcrumbs through Scripture, it will take you right to the Song of Solomon: “Come away with me, my beloved.” Every invitation is offered in LOVE!


So, I went, with hiking shoes on, climbing high, up into the national forest, paying attention…

I found, spring really has come to Colorado.

The trees are budding, some blooming (no wonder I have allergies!).

The forest floor is covered with pinks, yellows, and purples.

A gentle breeze was blowing, just enough to give a tender touch on my cheeks, and keep the hair out of my face.

The birds twittered and sang in harmony.

There were geese squawking in protest of my interruption on soon-to-disappear-ponds created from snowfall and recent rains.

I even scared off a few doe.

The earth smelled fresh…and the scent of rain-to-come hung in the gathering clouds above. 

It was glorious;

but, not earth shattering romance.

Quiet Glory.

And, with it came a trio of sweet, gentle reminders:

1.  Everything is seasonal (even hard winters and troubled times)…spring eventually arrives, and often in quiet glory. We need to be fully present to recognize it.

2.  Only a fool says in his heart, “There is no God…”  Of course, there is a God, evidenced in His creation all around us. This God is fully Sovereign, and in control of EVERY. SINGLE! DETAIL. of our lives.  This is our FATHER’S WORLD!!!

3.  God desires to reveal to us how greatly loved we are; and He loves us with His creation…

God romances us in creation’s beauty.

How often do we fail to receive and seize that love, simply because we just don’t take the time to “Come and See”?

He’s handing us an invitation, and it’s as frequent and as often as we choose to take hold of it – “Come away with me, my beloved…” 

Come and see!

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