Ever feel like some of the tasks on your to-do list are just…well, daunting…


Some undertakings are simply difficult in a multitude of ways…even when they are part of some enthusiastic YESES that fit the JOURNEY God has for my life (see last two blogs).

I (I can’t assume you have my problem) lack motivation.

I lack insight.

I lack inspiration.

I lack courage (there’s that fear of failure sneaking in again).

On top of it all, there are a kazillion little distractions, and it’s much easier to do the small, easier task than to tackle the BIG ONE.

Somehow, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to battling THE LIST.

It’s easy to postpone,
put off til later…
and, then…
(and, I simply forget to breathe at times)

I KNOW the Lord did not make me (or any of us) to live like this…


Of course, there are systems and methods to help us prioritize, and I’ve always been fairly good at organizing those types of things.

However, this week, with seven BIG TASKS ahead (that really result in wonderful opportunities for me at the completion of them). I find myself on the verge of feeling overwhelmed.

That’s an interesting word: overwhelmed.
Sometimes, I’ve taken note, Christians use that word instead of “worry,” or “fear” (those things are, after all, considered sinful) – overwhelmed seems better…safer…more spiritual.

The Psalmist even prayed:  “When my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I (Ps 61:2b).”

But, to be overwhelmed means:

to be overcome by a superior foe.


When I use “overwhelmed” as my go-to-word, I am declaring that my duties are far superior than my ability to master them.

Truth is, I am really saying that they are an enemy that Jesus-in-me is unable to defeat.

There is NOTHING the Lord can not defeat!

The New Testament tells me:

in Christ I am an OVERCOMER…

This verse below, in the Old Testament, struck me this week. We’ve all read it, heard it, sung about it in many different choruses, so it’s not new to any of us. It simply resonated with me a bit differently as I was systematizing and beginning to order my work…

With God…
I am a force to be reckoned with…

With God…
I am strong and courageous…

With God…
I am an overcomer…

With God…
no enemy (from distractions to the devil, himself) can stand!

There is only one key to not letting the to-do-list emerge the victor:

With God!

Wrestle like Jacob until I have His Presence.

Stand stubborn like Moses: “I will not go if You do not go with us.”

Be fighters like Joshua and Caleb who believed without a shadow of a doubt that there was no need to be dismayed (overwhelmed), because the Lord God was with them everywhere they went.

Be determined like Paul: “The God of Peace will crush the enemy under your feet.”

With God…
I will breathe again!

AND…the word overwhelmed has been abolished from my vocabulary.

You want to rethink it?

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