Lent Day 20

I don’t know WHERE you ARE today, but think about this…

I’ve been stuck on the verse “in everything give thanks”… 

Along those lines…it’s not just in everything!  But…it hit me this week…it’s EVERYWHERE, as well!

Look at the places people have been when they gave thanks (keep in mind this is as random as my brain):
  • Paul gave thanks in palaces before kings, in the depths of the ocean, seated before a fire on an unplanned island destination, and chained in prison.
  • David gave thanks while hiding in a cave, on the run, in the midst of battles, in the camp of his enemies the Philistines, and living in a luxurious palace.
  • Moses gave thanks in a dry desert, while walking in circles.
  • Abraham gave thanks in a tent.
  • Adam gave thanks in a lush garden.
  • Samuel and Solomon gave thanks in the temple/church.
  • Many of the prophets gave thanks while in slavery to their captors.
  • Daniel gave thanks in the den of lions.
  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego gave thanks in a fiery furnace.
  • Jesus gave thanks in solitary places and on his journey to Calvary.
  • The apostle John gave thanks in exile.
  • Jonah offered a song of thanks in the belly of the whale.
  • Jeremiah gave thanks while in stocks.
  • Mary, the mother of Jesus, sang her Magnificat in her cousin’s home.
  • Mary (the “other” Mary) gave thanks at Jesus feet.
  • Stephen gave thanks while being stoned to death in a pit.
  • The disciples gave thanks in an upper room.
  • Peter gave thanks in the middle of a city square…and before the Sanhedrin (the same ones who had Jesus crucified).
  • Cornelius gave thanks in his home.

Seems like at all times and in all places, thanksgiving is an appropriate response! Today, I’ll be driving for about 6 hours, what a great time & place to “give thanks!” 

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