Honestly, I feel “written out.”  Ever feel like you just have no more words?  That’s how I feel as I come to a blank page this morning (like there is really nothing left to say)…  The page is empty, but my heart feels full.

I am so full to the brim of revitalized joy, following days of reflection as we moved toward Easter…
So full of excitement after a break from normal routine, and, though I worked hard with some “spring cleaning” and closet/cupboard re-arranging, feeling a soul-satisfied sense of accomplishment…
So full of sweet peace following days of deep-spiritual-fellowship – a rare, but wonderful, visit from one of our “dorm boys” from Kenya, his wife, and five children; and time spent with family and friends…
So full of contentment following some grand-baby snuggle-time…
So full of the warm intimacy following amazing worship and the joy of celebration of our Lord’s resurrection, and His GREAT GRACE!
In very, very, very small measure, I think I feel much like the disciples must have felt following a visit to an empty tomb…heart full up and overflowing with every gamut of emotion, but really, absolutely nothing left to say.
…and you? 

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