As I type this, I am overcome by gratitude.

The words to this song keep running through my head, especially these lines:

Who am I that the highest king
Should welcome me
I was lost but he brought me in
Oh, His love for me!

Who am I?

I think of Moses who said, “Who am I that I should go…(Exodus 3:11)?”

My who-am-I-question is a little different: Who am I that I should be so blessed in this moment?

As I send this out, I am in beautiful Cyprus.

I’m here to speak at a conference/retreat for global workers serving in 18 different countries.

The fact that I’m here is, in itself, a miracle, in so many ways.

This time last week, I was in McMinnville, Oregon co-leading a staff-leadership-retreat for Church on the Hill.

Two days later, I was wandering the corridors of Penrose Hospital (talk about being in a foreign country!) in Colorado Springs, as Bay made his way from doctors-appointment to doctors-appointment prepping for heart surgery the next day.

The events around Bay’s surgery were undeniably miraculous…(too much to go into here)…

One day later, I plopped into my seat on a Lufthansa flight, needing to just sit and take a few deep breaths.

For all this to happen, God’s timing had to be perfect…IMPECCABLY SO!

And, it was…it is…it ALWAYS will be…

…because God is the God-of-Time. 

From creation He ordained this thing we call “time,” telling the sun when to rise and go down, and the moon to do the same.

The hours in each day are Sovereignly given…and God, Himself, rules every nano-second.

If I ever doubted His timing, I never will again.

I’m sitting here, a living testimony of this FACT!

Which is why my mind keeps going to that question: Who am I that I should be so blessed in this moment?

This single-moment-of-time was designed for me in a kazillion other single-moments-of-time that danced together to the rhythm of God’s orchestra-baton, all bringing me to this place, at this hour, all to give me the privilege of reminding each precious lady in attendance that He is ordaining the time-of-their-lives without mistake!

And may I remind you, too, of the same thing:

God-the-Father-of-time is still waving his orchestra-baton to give you the time-of-your-life, as well.

Don’t doubt for a single minute that anything is out of His control.

Never wonder if He cares for you…

Whenever you hear the tick-tock of the clock, remember:

God cares enough to write down every minute of your life, and then orchestrate each and every one into His great symphony titled Eternity.

Oh, and a little P.S. about that question, “Who am I?”

A little further down in the Moses-story, God reminds us…that the why-am-I-here-question is irrelevant. The question needs reframing. It should be: Who is He?

And God said, “I am that I am! This is my name forever and ever, and thus I am to be remembered…”  

You were probably thinking this blogpost was finally not about hope.

Think again…


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