Dumfungled is a word I learned this week. 

A Scottish term, meaning: To be mentally and physically exhausted.

I’ve added it to my vocabulary.

Right now, I just might be enirely dumfungled.

But, there isn’t time to be dumfungled. 

As I type this, I am on my way to Idaho to speak at a women’s retreat for the weekend. 

However, my soul hasn’t quite caught up with my body just yet. 

It may be still hovering over the Atlantic somewhere, or possibly still in the Chicago airport. 

Fortunately, my luggage all arrived in America, I’m just waiting for my passion and enthusiasm to show up at my door. 

I thought it might be nice to submit a claim to United Airlines,  like I would if my luggage is lost, but realized that isn’t quite their thing…

We can’t go to some counter, submit a request, and receive a revived spirit. 

However, we “can do” in the spiritual sense. 

So, as I sit in the Durango airport waiting on my flight to Denver, I’ve submitted my “claim” in the form of an honest note in my journal to the Lord.

It basically reads: I’m tired and my brain feels like mush.

Here’s the thing about journaling…

As I write, a conversation begins to take place between the Lord and I. 

His quiet voice whispers in my ear bits and pieces of Scripture references that remind me, He’s already on it.

And, as He whispers, I’m reminded He really does have it all under control. 

I jotted down the snippets I was receiving, and then looked up the references.

Maybe, one day, in your tired, these promises will be as renewing to you as they are to me as I sit and ponder them.

Psalm 62:1.  Truly my soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him.

Matthew 11:28.  Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest for your souls…

Jeremiah 21:35.  I will refresh the weary, and satisfy the faint.

Isaiah 40:29.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Colossians 1:29.  To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.

Psalm 73:26.  My flesh and heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever!


 My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest!

Exodus 33:14. 

These truths, they are like Oxygen for my soul!

So, if you’re feeling a little dumfungled…you can join my club.

But, keep in mind, when the Lord calls us to action, in spite of our “dumbungledness,” we will never tire in doing what is good and right; and we will not lack in zeal when it comes to serving the Lord (2 Thessalonians 3:13 and Romans 12:11). 

I really just wanted to remind us all when we are feeling this way…


And, there’s time for a Sabbath coming….

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