Not sure why I’ve been thinking about weddings, but I
have.  Well, that’s not true, I am sure
why; there are several weddings coming up over the holiday season.  That’s why. 
I’ve been thinking about them, because I’m so glad I’m not the one
having to prepare for a wedding amidst preparing for celebrating Jesus
birth.  Can you imagine?  Honestly, I’m feeling a bit anxious on behalf
of these brides, grooms, and their families. 
Preparing for a wedding is a very big DEAL.  It’s also very expensive.  Do you know the average cost of a
wedding?  Let me spare you the
research.  Answer:  it depends on where you get married.  The average number of dollars spent in the
U.S. overall as of May in 2012 was (drum roll) $27,021.00. I did not make that
up.  However, if you live in New York
City, the average cost of a wedding is (GONG)…..(GONG)…(GONG)…
$65,824!  I did not make that up, either.  My girls were lucky to get a wedding for
$3000. They were robbed.  What does this
have to do with a Christmas reflection?

Obviously, it’s
the word prepare.  We prepare months for a wedding, some girls
take years.  We spend more money on the
day, than we do in preparation of the life to come.  I think that’s very sad.  What about preparing for Christmas?  I’m
not thinking of the plans.  I’m not
thinking of the decorations, or who you are having over for dinner, or how many
presents you have to buy, or how big the tree is, or whether or not God will
co-operate with the weather man and bring you snow.  I’m asking this question, “What are you doing
to prepare your heart for Christmas?”  What does that mean, really…practically?

PREPARE, that was John
the Baptist’s mission.  Remember the
verse from last week?  He gave us one
way (repent), which we discussed last week.

In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight.”

Here are a few more ways to prepare:

God’s already forgiven…he’s already promised to cleanse us from our
wrongs…we just need to step into what’s already ours and walk in it.  Are you walking in the truth that there is,
therefore, no condemnation in Christ Jesus?

Make room for Jesus.  Remember the Christmas story?  There was no room for Jesus in the inn.  Have you made room for him in your daily
life?  Room for him in your home?  Room for him in your extra time?  Room for him in your Christmas celebration?

Fear not. 
Again, remember the Christmas story? 
What was the message of the angels? 
“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news..”  The good news of Jesus birth, God-with-us,
should eliminate all fear.  If we truly
repent, make room for Jesus, there is no need for fear.

Treasure & ponder the Jesus-moments in
your life.  Remember Mary?  All of a sudden, following the birth of her
first-born-son, all these unexplainable things began to unfold.  These were Jesus-moments and Mary treasured
them and pondered…  Take time during
the holiday season to reflect on your own Jesus-moments  — times when the unexplainable can only be explained
by breathing two words, “but God.”

Worship & glorify him.  I’m not anti-Christmas.  I’m all about gifts, and Christmas lights,
and a sweet-smelling pine tree, and food (especially fudge), but I’m even more
about the worship of the one worthy of it all. 

This week’s lesson of advent: 
prepare! Spend time planning
for a Christmas that directs you to Jesus, keep him front and center of the

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