Can we return to last week’s blog? Ha! You have no choice, I’m really not taking a vote. Trick question. What does last week’s thought have in common with an oatmeal box? Another trick question! However, it was an…
I hold in my heart more memories than I can count…ten years worth. In five days, I will symbolically (with attendance at a graduation) close a chapter on a season of life, and turn the page to open a…
After I answered the blog question last week, I soaked a bit in Romans 9:17 and spent some time just re-committing my sense of God’s calling back to his care. My words on paper, at the time, were sincere. …
Recently, after a debate on the pro’s and con’s of social media, I was asked why I decided to write a blog. Good question. With all the research that I’ve seen lately on the effects of social media, maybe…
Did you read last week’s blog? In it, I mentioned the struggle I have with wanting to defend God from people who just can’t accept him for who he is. Fortunately, the Bible speaks to our personal struggles –…
OK. I need to backtrack in Romans. I’d made it all the way through Chapter 7, and then a question came up this week that I started wrestling with, and it sent me scattering through Romans for an answer.…
I realize Lent is over, and it’s way past Easter, but I’m just wondering, did you give up anything as a part of Lent this year? Again, I wish there were times we could sit down over coffee and…
“I asked Jesus, ‘How much do you love me?’ And Jesus said, ‘This much.’ Then He stretched out His arms and died.” – Unknown Ever wish you could measure love? Sometimes I think if there was some sort of…
Honestly, I feel “written out.” Ever feel like you just have no more words? That’s how I feel as I come to a blank page this morning (like there is really nothing left to say)… The page is empty,…
Recently, I spent the afternoon with my sack lunch at Canaan in the Desert, in Phoenix, Arizona. I found one of the few rare spots with shade and camped there with my Bible and my journal. It’s truly a…