I’ve put off writing this week’s thought, because, for me, it’s one of the more convicting areas of maturity. Before we dig in, let’s recap (or you can skip down below the ***). **************** The Apostle Paul admonished the…
Jesus said, “You must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48).” There’s that word: perfect. In other places, it’s translated mature. Mature Christians look like their heavenly father. Ufda (I love this word…I should have been…
Last week I alluded to a current inner struggle. It would be my desire this morning, as I sit down to write today’s thought, to gloss over it and move on. I can’t, because that struggle carries with it…
Maturity. It’s the process we work toward. I wish that I could say with certainty that were the Apostle Paul sitting over a cup of coffee with me, he’d applaud my growth. Yet, I have a feeling that he’d…
(An early P.S.: If you’re just joining this current blog-thread, you might want to go back and start at July 23rd, just to keep this in context…) Reflect on these words a second… The words of your mouth are…
For those of you following this thread (we started on June 23rd), here’s a little summary. The Apostle Paul, speaking truth to the messed-up Corinthian church, gave them several pithy admonitions to follow. These were course corrections for them…
I’ve been looking at what the Apostle Paul meant when he spoke these words to the church at Corinth: His actual words were: “Act like men.” As I’ve looked deeper into the meaning of that phrase, I’ve discovered two…
These next couple of blogs should, perhaps, come with a warning label. Neither may be popular or comfortable. With that said, I’m a pretty surface person. So, don’t read more into what I’m sharing than what the words say. …
Here’s a thought… Right? It’s a biblical principle. I see it over and over scattered throughout Scripture (and, yes, even in the Old Testament). Grace is extended in all kinds of ways: in attitude, in relationship, in patience, in…