I had an unusual dream the other night, one that I’m sure was a spin off from a news article I had read (you can click on link) recently, albeit the dream came several nights after the fact. In the…
On writing, William Wordsworth once said, “To begin, begin.” Profound. Sometimes, the hardest part of sharing my thoughts is the beginning. If possible, one wants to find a “hook” to pull a reader into the story. Today, there is…
A reminder from last week, these Scriptures assure us that not all of God’s Word is as effective in the building of up hope, as God’s PROMISES (please read each one slowly and let them soak into your soul):…
Last week, as we pulled out a small, but important, piece of the hope puzzle, we looked at a very simple lesson. Like manna on the ground in the freshness of the early morning for the sustaining of physical…
I’ll be honest this morning. I’ve been a wee-bit-stuck in this study I’ve been digging into on HOPE. Count it up to weeks with no routine………………maybe………………….but that would just be an excuse. Call it a lack of consistency in…
This morning, I get on an airplane to fly away from my Baltimore children. Getting on an airplane is not a new thing. Hours in airports, and in the air, is not new, either. Saying good-bye to my military…
I bumped into the prophet Jeremiah the other day in a little book in the Old Testament. Somewhere in the middle of Lamentations, I remembered why I tend to avoid reading this piece of history. It’s five chapters of…
There’s lots of white space below this line…I’ve not been home for several weeks, and my normal routine is a little “off,” which tends to throw everything out of whack (you know what I mean)…so, a lot of white…
Last week, a reference was made to the above passage from Proverbs. All of us understand what it looks like to hope for something, to wait, and wait, and wait, and to be consistently disappointed. We can probably can…
After an introduction last week on hope, and why I’m taking a deeper look at the biblical perspective for enlarging my understanding, it’s apparent that a glance at hope’s definition is an essential starting point. If I’m going to be…