This has been a week of putting into practice what I’ve been learning on HOPE. A test has come…and gone…and I passed with mediocrity. A “thing” which I had hoped-to-see occur (and, clung to a promise over) has passed…and,…
Today is a sandwich day. No, I’m not eating a sandwich… …it’s an in-between day. I’m in-between speaking at one retreat and heading for another. I’m just home from a weekend with a lovely group of ladies (from three…
Be alert. Stay watchful. We have an enemy. He’s LIKE a lion. He’s not one; but he wants us to think he is. He wants us to believe he can devour us. He prowls in such a way, so…
Last week, I ended saying that there’s one more ingredient to add to our weed killer. Really, there are two. The fact is that I was going to lump the last two together, because there is a way to…
Every Tuesday morning, my phone beeps with two alert notifications. Some days, I really need gentle reminders to help me stay on task. I hate to say that I’m easily distracted, but, quite often, whatever is yelling at me…
Last week, I mentioned a very real hope-choker: anxiety/worry. It springs up in my metaphorical garden of faith, like the clover or dandelions that try to take over my flower and vegetable beds. This truth has resonated with me…
My greatest, personal hindrance to HOPE is anxiety. There! I said it. It’s just nine simple words. However, to put that sentence on a page, let alone on the internet for others to read, took courage. I reached down…
I’m trying to cling to the last strings of summer, even though fall is my ABSOLUTE favorite time of year. The “lazy days” of summer flew by for me (where did this phrase come from, anyway? – I don’t…
The word-nerd is coming out in me today. You may not be one. In fact, you may not be slightly interested in words, at all. Inwardly, you may be groaning… I dare you to stick with me to the…
As I sat this morning to write this blog, I knew I needed a review of what has been settling in my heart regarding HOPE. Bay and I just finished a wonderful weekend on retreat with our FOCUS Ministries…