Everywhere I turn, I am face-to-face with fear-talk. The title of the message at church last Sunday… Instead of asking why I am just one more additional voice to the already very large group of writers, singers, podcast presenters,…
I tell my husband regularly, “Someday….someday, when we are traveling, and aren’t always in such a rush to get to the next speaking event, I want to stop more and take pictures of two things I love to see:…
As I brought in the new year, I entered with no sense of real direction from the Lord regarding an area of study for 2019 (explanation here). Humorously, the Lord has actually led me to a word-of-study for the…
I recently read the passage above as translated in the New International Version of the Bible, and halted at the word “fitting.” Then, I looked at the same verse in the New Living Translation. There it reads: Let the…
“Olive Press” by Del Parson Today, we sit on the cusp of celebrating the most miraculous moment in history. However, before we can truly celebrate, we need to grieve. So, let’s picture ourselves on the Eve of Passover. Jesus…
Jesus told us to tell her story. Contrary to today’s anthem, “It’s not my story to tell,” Jesus says, “This IS YOUR STORY to tell.” Three out of the four gospels record what He said (Matthew 26, Mark 14,…
Some mornings, I just wanna shout, “Whoop!” Some mornings, I just quietly whisper, “Wow!” This morning, I was somewhere between a Whoop and a Wow…maybe, more of a “Whoa!” I never ceased to be amazed when the Lord speaks.…
(Psalm 23:1 in Hebrew) One of my side ministries, when I’m home and available, is counseling. Years ago, I got my masters degree, but use it more as a tool for encouraging and coming alongside, than the true definition…
Bay and I thoroughly enjoyed our educational tour of Israel. However, twelve full (and I mean full: from early morning until dark-thirty) on-the-go days with good teaching, teaching, and more teaching interspersed throughout each day, and, this old-lady-brain is…
Before I actually start this morning’s blog post, allow me to throw out a little anecdote. As I begin writing, I can hear thunder – it’s off a ways, but it always pulls up a past scenario. I’m immediately…