This morning as I opened my journal to write down thoughts I’d deliberated over as I read through my devotions, my heart heaved with an uncommon grief. “Why?” I thought…. “Why do I ever look first at social media,…
It sneaks up on you. Before you know it, it has iron clad fists around your heart. You’re paralyzed. It’s hard to think practical every-day-common-ordinary thoughts, let alone make life changing decisions. Your mind feels a bit like Hurricane…
This week’s “JUST A THOUGHT” is just a series of random #bebrave quotes. Here’s why… A message I listened to this week made a mention (“in passing”) about the importance of filling our minds with Scripture. It detailed the…
Normally, when I’m out for a walk in the mornings, I listen to books that have been recorded on Audible. It’s a great way to double down on my “reading.” Yesterday, I finished the current book (Bob Goff, Everybody…
America’s symbol of independence…. Freedom…. Our country fought for it. Many died for it. Over the years, freedom has become a theme song for America…. America: the land of the free the home of the brave. We celebrate our…
Words. They have the power to bring LIFE and WHOLENESS. They have the power to bring ANXIETY and PAIN. But…God’s Words. God’s Words to me, about me, change EVERYTHING! God’s Words help me step into courage. Confidence. #bebrave. XXXXX…
I’ve been thinking about mulberries this week. Going “round and round the mulberry bush” in a mental sort of way. Over and over. Not because I’m hungering for mulberries, but because I’m remembering… This may be a key memory…
(somewhere over the Swiss Alps – breath-taking!) Read this, heard this, discovered this………..somewhere along the way on this journey of #bebrave: “The first step to over-coming your fears is to locate them.” Understandable, right? We can’t begin to go…
(Is. 41.10) Perspective is everything when the fear buttons get pushed. At least, perspective is everything when it comes from God’s mouth to our hearts. And, I’ve discovered there is one particular vantage point that is an essential to…
Unquestionably, this is the second verse of Scripture my children memorized (right after John 3:16). I doubt they could give you chapter and verse, but the words will pour out with the push of a fear button. They heard…