Being an introverted introvert, mingling is one of the most difficult requests made of me. Before I ever attend a gathering filled with people I don’t know, I rehearse questions to ask 1) for the purpose of letting someone…
This is Tali. Her full name is Talitha. In Mark 5, Jesus heals Jairus’ daughter. Jairus was a big deal – he was the ruler of the local synagogue. His daughter was sick, and nothing the family tried for…
Where I sit matters to me. Where you sit matters to you. We ALL want the best seats! We want to see everything….clearly! We want to be in-the-know. We want the best-of-the-best. Most times we pay dearly for these…
The past several weeks have somewhat drained me – not overwhelmingly, just a “tinge.” Just enough to sense: 1) the enemy tactically distracting me from my primary focus… 2) joy seeping slowly out of my soul… 3) weariness settling…
(Thanks to all who contributed your favorite “sit-places.” You’ll find many of them sprinkled within this post…and more to come in later ones! While our souls may be in heaven with Jesus, we all need silent sit-places here on…
(The pictures sprinkled throughout this blog are places I’ve found myself “seated” over the last few months…Think about where you’ve been seated.) XXXXX In June, Bay and I traveled to Uganda for some wonderful ministry opportunities. On the flights…
Two days ago I found myself seated on an airplane above the clouds flying over the Rockies. This was my view. I was supposed to have been seated on the same flight the previous day. Mother Nature disagreed. I…
Last week, I wound down the study I’d been doing on fear, worry, and anxiety with this: Ultimately, when I am afraid, it’s because my mind is divided. The answer to this dilemma is where I “set” my thoughts.…
Time. I tend to value time. In fact, I’m downright greedy about time. So, when my time is threatened, I get anxious. This anxiety almost always leads to fear of failure. That’s when I realized the clock and the…
This week IT happened… I landed in what Max Lucado (author of Anxious for Nothing) calls the “anxietree.” There I was, perched on a branch, letting little birds of thought land (in fact, they began building nests), causing no small…