While this isn’t an actual “I Am” statement of Jesus, this is an “I Am,” nevertheless. This week I was reading through Psalm 106, and my eyes stopped reading several times, because of one word. It is a sweet word. …
Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your…
I am the good shepherd (John 10:11, 14)… While I haven’t spent a lot of time around sheep, I do know a few things about them. What I know sort of makes me resent this particular “I Am” statement……
Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He began asking His disciples, saying, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still…
Last January, as I sat contemplating a “word” from the Lord on which to focus in 2022, nothing seemed to register with me. I tried on different words like one might try on a new outfit for purchase…
Time to wrap up this idea of “MY STORY MATTERS!” As we say our farewells to some remarkable women from the Word, I want to recap what I’ve learned as I’ve pondered the stories of these amazing ladies… · Their stories are true…
No matter the translation in which I read Esther 9:1, I find myself getting goose bumps. Read this verse, written out below, in several different versions: The order the king had commanded was to be done on the thirteenth…
When we left Queen Esther last week, she had called her people to a fast. As she waited on the Lord, God stepped in with an answer. No doubt, He helped to do exactly what He promised Isaiah…
Since January, I’ve been reading books written by, and about, several women of great faith.
All of them, women who have “gone before” – most of them missionaries – whose compelling virtue was to speak the Word of God to people who needed to hear!
Women, who lived in the early to mid 1900’s, a generation apart from us.
A generation often awarded the title, “The Greatest Generation”; and, I now know why.
If there is one outstanding lesson gained by looking into their lives it is this:
They made it through great difficulty because each held to a solid theology of suffering.
Our world today is poignantly lacking a solid theology of suffering.
A verse popped up this week in the Daily Light (a little volume of compiled verses, first published in 1794, that each woman held in common):
“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).”
These gals sought and found their courage to live amidst incredible hardship in the God of EVERLASTING COMFORT AND GOOD HOPE & He, then, in turn, gave them COURAGE!
You and I aren’t born with courage.
We can’t search for it, or find it hidden somewhere in the grass like last week’s Easter eggs.
Courage can be developed and lost again.
It’s as elusive as a cloud on a windy day.
When we most need courage, for certain that’s when we won’t have it.
I’m as certain as I am of the sun going down this evening, that Esther didn’t have any the day she learned the reason why her uncle was wailing in the city gates, dressed in sackcloth, and pouring ashes over his head.
- Mordecai uncovered a plot to kill King Xerxes
- He wasn’t honored (not even a pat on the back) – but that served God’s purposes
- Haman the Agagite was promoted to a high ranking position – like Vice President or Majority Leader
- Haman wanted everyone to bow to him
- Mordecai would not
- Haman plotted to kill Mordecai by virtue of killing off Mordecai’s entire race (this was an act of revenge for his great-great-great-great grandfather – a long story)
As I begin to write about Esther, one phrase stands out to me in the early part of her story. These words are used three times, in which we are told Esther “won the favor of the King.”…