“I asked Jesus, ‘How much do you love me?’ And Jesus said, ‘This much.’ Then He stretched out His arms and died.” – Unknown Ever wish you could measure love? Sometimes I think if there was some sort of…
Honestly, I feel “written out.” Ever feel like you just have no more words? That’s how I feel as I come to a blank page this morning (like there is really nothing left to say)… The page is empty,…
Recently, I spent the afternoon with my sack lunch at Canaan in the Desert, in Phoenix, Arizona. I found one of the few rare spots with shade and camped there with my Bible and my journal. It’s truly a…
Growing up, my family always celebrated Passion Week, and our church held special services commemorating the events of Jesus’ last week leading up to his death, and resurrection, generally beginning with Palm Sunday. I wasn’t one to ask a…
He who was delivered up because of our transgressions, and was raised because of our justification. Romans 4:25. With Easter just a couple weeks away, this is a notable verse for the season! After a huge discourse on the…
I think the best way to tie together the last two weeks of blog-thoughts is to tell a little bible story. A special thanks to my co-worker, and friend, Jimmy Farley for drawing my attention to this story a…
I ran across an odd phrase while perusing the dictionary (I know, I’m a nerd…I’m OK with that). Ever heard the term “merit-monger?” If so, you either lived (which I highly doubt), or have read literature coming from the…
Almost two years ago, maybe longer, I decided I needed to stop reading the Bible. Well, not the way you might think. I just wanted to see if you were awake. I stopped reading it for quantity. I stopped…
I already have two other posts ready to publish, but something occurred this week at my yoga class that reminded me of one more life-lesson, I need to tell myself often. Just one; so, this will be short. Promise.…