It’s that time of year when first-day-of-school pictures pop up all over Facebook, and lots of mom’s and dad’s take their babies away to college, and leave them there. Every first day of school is just a milestone toward…
Perspectacles. I found that word this week, and I wished I’d been creative enough to have made it up for myself. Instead, another mother coined it, wrote it in her blog (a great read, by the way – you…
Unfinished. That seems to be the word of the week. I can hardly keep up with myself. As I sit here this morning, I’m staring at a To Do List, not of things new, but of things unfinished. Unfinished…
If you didn’t read last week’s blog, could you just zip back and do that now? While I applied it to my struggle with the “p” word (procrastination), the message really is about being pro-choice. No, not concerning abortion,…
Lately, I find myself procrastinating………..A LoT! It’s like I’ve picked up a procrastination virus and it’s infected my soul. I could pray for a cure. I could ask God to give me a motivation-shot. However, like most viruses that…
Retreats. Any kind. I relish them. I always know that when there’s intentionality, God will show up. I was reminded of that in mid-May and, again, this past week. There is a little island in the middle of Lake…
While I was in Africa last October, I started reading this book of “ancient prayers,” which belonged to a friend and had been passed down from generation to generation. The original copy was written in 1897. I fell in…
I’m so thankful for this country! I may not always agree with the direction I see our government headed, but I am so appreciative of the freedoms I enjoy. This past weekend, as it was for all Americans, was…
Every day, I see this little sign in my house… …and, this one hangs over my desk… …then, there’s this one upstairs… …all, in-your-face-admonitions for us aliens and strangers, that in order to love others and to “keep our…
There’s nothing more precious, when in a foreign country, than one’s passport. I’ve done enough traveling to know this. Not only do I carry my passport close to my heart (in a little pouch) when I travel, so as…