I heard the pilot announce, “We have arrived…” I didn’t hear the rest of what he said, but experience tells me it was followed by the name of the town, the current time, the current temperature, and a “Thank…
My mind has been sidetracked by circles, and squares, and triangles for several days. I’ve pondered my relation to all three and have decidedly determined I am a triangle. I’m ok with that. It just helps to know what…
This week I traveled to Tanzania. Traveling is not my friend. The story of my traveling life is delayed flights…seriously. When they are on time I know I am abundantly blessed. Every leg of my journey was a sequence…
This past week, Bay and I took a pause in our week and drove up into the mountains to enjoy fall (I wholeheartedly agree with Anne of Green Gables, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there…
Let’s just jump in, since this is a continuation from last week…the what else in the what next! Here’s my second default: Not only do I tend to coast, I’m also prone to wallowing. That word sounds better than to…
After the hard…that’s what I’ve been reflecting on all week. What about the season that comes following the difficulty, the suffering or trial just experienced? Then what? I’ve thought about my typical reactions, my default in that place called…
Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live for the rest of the time in the…
Last week, when I mentioned Ebola-hard, it wasn’t my intention to invalidate any other hard. There are all kinds of hard. Here are other descriptors for HARD: Divorce-hard; Rebellious-child-hard; Cancer-hard; Murder-hard; Rape-hard; Spousal-abuse-hard; Child-abuse-hard; Car-accident-hard; Recovery-hard; Military-deployment-hard; Pregnant-Out-of-Wedlock-hard; Sick-child-hard;…
Having just spent the last few days processing through the difficult months in Liberia, as the Samaritan’s Purse missionaries battled Ebola (along with the DART members deployed to help – the Disaster Assistance Response Team), this is my morning…
Tomorrow will undoubtedly be the last first day of school for this year. All week I’ve mulled over the “letting them leave” perspective (you must read last week’s blog if you haven’t). It put me in a reflective funk, as…