(…a continuation from yesterday) Tis the season for Magnificats. Last night even God was verbalizing one of sorts in His own glorious display. He continues to remind me, even in His simple acts, I have a BIG GOD who…
Yesterday, Luke’s gospel led me Luke’s other book, the Acts of the Holy Spirit, and in particular the life-changing, transformation of one named Saul, turned Paul. I loved the Lord’s words to Ananias about Paul. Ananias was a little…
One (ahem!) should clean out their files every 20-years, or so. It’s pretty amazing what one (meaning, me!) might discover. I did just that this week. Driven to it by my husband, who had finally decided to stain the…
Yesterday, I left off asking myself a question, “Peg – what do you know?” I’ve thought A LOT about that for twenty-four hours. Mary had no Bible. Mary had no resources. Mary had no teachers. Mary wasn’t allowed to…
I keep wondering about Mary…and I keep wondering about what the Lord God opened her eyes to know. I went back to read Isaiah 53. It’s all in black and white. Yet, the teachers of the law seemed to…
The following link has been all over Facebook, so you may have clicked on it already, but if not, take a listen to this remix of one of my favorite Christmas songs – Mary Did You Know (Pentatonix): The…
Still reflecting on peace, I happened to read this prayer from an old book of prayers, this morning, Prayers Ancient and Modern – Primary Source Edition (Mary Wilder Tileston). Making this prayer mine today as a part of my Advent…
After yesterday’s Advent thought, I remembered a poem I’d written in a FOCUS Ministries Christmas letter year’s ago. I had to go digging to find it. I’m no poet (not even close). Yet, it speaks to the concept of…
This the second Sunday of Advent, and, we get (woohoo!) to light the second candle on our advent wreath, which represents peace. Here’s what the angels came declaring to the shepherds that star-filled night of Christ’s birth: “Glory to…
Yesterday, as I was working in the kitchen and listening to a little Christmas music playing in the background, I began singing along to an old Christmas-favorite, “Oh, come let us adore Him! Oh, come let us adore Him!…