Bay and I have served in ministry for years. For the majority of our years, we were blessed to work with youth. What a joy-job! We loved nothing better than planning, preparing, producing events, food, outreaches, food, worship nights,…
Restoration of joy. That’s what’s on my mind this morning. For every Camp Robber that attempts to steal my joy, there are specific ways to recover it. Creating space for joy is a definite must. Taking time to be…
Lord Byron is quoted as saying, “If I don’t write to quiet my mind, I go mad.” I’ve often thought we must have been related, he and I. Typically my mind is spinning and full. This morning it is…
I have written much, spent a lot of ink, on the topic of shame. Shame is, in my opinion, my #1 enemy when it comes to joy-robbing. He’s almost giant in proportion, but not quite big enough (this is true,…
Life just keeps moving forward, and here I am, still navigating these roads that lead to joy. Along the way, I’ve discovered a lot of ways to create space finding joy. By creating space, I am choosing joy above…
A few weeks ago, a friend posted the following on Facebook. It was immediately convicting and heart-breaking. Here’s the quote: “When we are busier than God requires us to be, we do violence to ourselves…Thomas Merton understood this and…
True confessions: I am a planner. I’ve learned to be more flexible over time. Considering the life we have led, one can’t plan too far in advance. So, I don’t do goal-setting, or I’d spend my life totally frustrated.…
I’m finding myself more aware than ever, and, definitely on the alert for the following things: Camp Robber #1: Unrealistic Expectations Camp Robber #2: Unreasonable Questioning Camp Robber #3: Unplanned Waiting Camp Robber #4: Unforeseen Circumstances However, there is an even sneakier…
I probably should have waited on last week’s blog about “unplanned waiting.” I’d written it early (like a day too early), before leaving to surprise my grandson for his 8th birthday party. The next day was essentially a day…
Camp Robber #1: Unrealistic Expectations Camp Robber #2: Unreasonable Questioning Camp Robber #3: Unplanned Waiting I’ve spent my share of time in waiting rooms. I don’t like them! In a waiting room, we hover between now and not yet.…