This showed up on my Facebook feed recently:

Even Facebook thinks it is imperative to remind me that I am getting old (and, how they knew my birthday was in June, I will never know, since I never gave Facebook my birth date).

Then, this popped up on my Pinterest feed (how did Pinterest know that my thinking has been running along these lines? – Scary!):
I’m constantly being reminded of these things: I am getting old–er; but God has a purpose…and a PROMISE (“I will carry you & sustain you”)…that is still mine to claim!
The question that surfaces is concise: 

What does this practically mean for me? 
Before addressing this question, here’s another promise from God’s Word. One that has been my theme song from early on in my college years, as a YOUNG believer, even til now. It’s been a comfort as I’ve journeyed down a few very foggy, uncertain, paths with signs that read: “Your Future – Destiny Undisclosed.” It’s a familiar passage to all of us. So familiar, in fact, that sometimes we don’t really “hear” what the Lord is saying. It bears merit for us to look at anew…
Did you read the verse? Or did you just skim over it? One word is repeated three times…do you see it? Three times means “pay attention!” That word struck a chord with me as I read Jeremiah 29:11 again this week. The word is “plans.” It could also be translated “imagination,” or “thoughts.” The word plans is a remarkable word, in and of itself, but I just LOVE the word imagination. That verse (!), it’s telling me, that while the number representing my age may be getting bigger, God is still imagining even bigger things for me. My God never quits dreaming big dreams for me! 

My Heavenly Father has a plan to put with His purpose & His promises, because His thoughts for me do not ever cease!!!!  

If this is so, then isn’t it my responsibility to be ready when He reveals those thoughts, those imaginations – His dreams on my behalf? Do I not have a stewardship-purpose to be prepared for whatever He unveils?

I believe I do!

With that in mind, here’s the verse I’m memorizing for 2017. It is my “goal” verse…my heart-soul-body preparation verse, which will center me on being ready for any dreams God shoots my way (more on this next week):

In the meantime, go to this link, and marinate your heart in this song by Casting Crowns – Dream for You! Just think about it – His thoughts are FOR YOU and YOUR FUTURE. As Pinterest reminded me, you wouldn’t be alive if God didn’t have big plans, big dreams, and a big imagination for YOU! It’s guaranteed to be a grand adventure – all the way to the end!

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