Second ingredient found in the bottle on the table of which we must drink:  Submission.
If the word submission were a person, I think I’d feel a
great deal of pity.  Submission is very
misunderstood.  When I think of
submission, something inside of me stands up with fists clenched.  I tend to think of submission in the negative
– a doormat variety of weakness. 
Truth be told, a submissive individual is one of great
courage.  Jesus, showed great courage in
the Garden of Gethsemane, when minutes before his arrest, he uttered the five
most powerful words ever spoken, “Not my will but thine.”  Five words that changed history.  Abraham showed great courage, when he
demonstrated those words, and bound his only son, Isaac, to the altar.  Isaac made evident the same expression when he
placed himself on the altar, and allowed his father to bind him there.  Paul said it with these words, “To me to live
is Christ, and to die is gain.” 
Recently, I watched the movie We Bought a Zoo.  The take
away quote from the movie is this:  “All
you need is twenty seconds of insane courage and I promise you something good
will come of it.” 
Exactly.  Twenty seconds of insane courage leads to
Twenty seconds to say, “Not my will but thine.” 
Twenty seconds to climb up on the altar (I urge you brothers, in view of God’s tender
mercy, to make yourself a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is
your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1). 
Twenty seconds to surrender. 
Twenty seconds to die to self.
Twenty seconds of insane courage…
The liquid goes down the hatch…
The drink is swallowed…
And something good is sure to follow!  We’re almost through the door to Wonderland!

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