Advent gently reminds us of the “now” and “not yet” that comes with
being people of faith. Advent reminds us of the importance of waiting. Advent
whispers our need for a Savior. Advent teaches us God’s timing is always better
than ours!

-M. Feinberg-

This morning’s focus is on the “waiting room” period that
comes with Advent. There are several things I’m praying about, waiting on, and begging
God to let me see their advent. Almost every one of importance has to do with people I
love being in need of my Savior. As I reflect today on the Advent of Jesus’
birth, I pray for the timing of His “birth” in each of those hearts. With God,
it is always about the occurrences we’re seeking, coming in the fullness of
time. So, while I’m standing in the now, I’m looking for the time when the “not
yet” is at an end, and God the Father looks at God the Son and says, “OK, now – go! Be born-anew in hearts that have seen the fulness-of-time!”

May we all use our current waitings as a means of preparing our hearts for the coming celebration of Advent…as well, as a look toward the second Great Coming!

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