One (ahem!) should clean out their files every 20-years, or so. It’s pretty amazing what one (meaning, me!) might discover. I did just that this week. Driven to it by my husband, who had finally decided to stain the desk to match the cabinets overhead in my office/family room, I found this little gem (see below). I don’t remember who gave it to me, and, yes, I’m reprinting it without permission (so, if you know the artist, please forgive). Since, I’ve been thinking about Mary, it just seemed so appropriate to add it to the blogosphere…

Yet, the focus this morning is on Mary’s Magnificat. What a song of praise! Although her immediate words to the angel, were words of submission (“I am the Lord’s handmaid, let it be unto me as you have said.”), it seemed to take Mary a while to process all that was happening with her. Seriously, would the fulness of the angels declaration to YOU be in the moment? Of course not! But, then again, that’s what I love about Scripture; and, what I love about the people of the Bible. They were HUMAN – just like us. Reading between the lines, we recognize just how similar we all are. So, between the angels departure (in Luke 1:38) and Mary’s Song of Praise (Luke 1:46), are several days, many miles, and, a lot of walking. That’s when I do my best thinking…over several days and a lot of walking (even many miles)…

Upon arrival, Elizabeth greeted Mary with these words, “Why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed (Luke 1:44-45)…” By this time, Mary was full to overflowing, and that fulness poured forth from her mouth. Things often pour forth from my mouth, but I gotta admit, they aren’t always praise worthy. God says to us, “Out of the heart, the mouth speaks.” That tells me the difference between Mary’s heart and mine! It speaks to me of several things regarding Mary –
Her heart was humble.
Her heart desired to serve.
Her heart was courageous (not necessarily absent of fear-of-the-future, nor without questions, but Mary had an uncanny willingness to move forward in spite of the fear and the questions).

Most of all, Mary’s heart was filled with faith! Her song proves that she believed in a BIG God for LITTLE people! That’s what struck a chord with my heart as I looked into the Magnificat. Twice Mary references her “humble estate,” and calls herself the Lord’s servant. She saw herself as a “little one.” Then she goes on and magnifies her Lord. Her words are an exemplary model of putting EVERYTHING IN PROPER PERSPECTIVE. By the time she finishes, even I’m reminded that this BIG God is for me! By the time she finishes, I’m in total agreement that my Lord is the God of the impossible-made-possible. Mary’s Magnificat is worth reading every time we face something that is bigger than we think we can handle. It’s not just an Advent/Christmas piece of literature. It’s for everyone and everyday.

I want a Mary-heart that looks at the future with humble courage, ready to serve, because I know THE Big God who is for Little People who believe! After all, Advent is near!

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