As the New Year unfolded, I was challenged anew, with Jesus’ instruction to Martha (I am a Martha) in Luke 10:41-42:
Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things (who me?); but only one thing is necessary (really only One!), and Mary has chosen that one…
(italics are either my words or my emphasis).
The message I’ve taken away after yet another reading of this story (who hasn’t read the story of Mary and Martha a kazillion times?) is the concept of one thing.  I am ADHD enough to have a number of thoughts floating around my brain at any given time, and, as shocking as it may be to you, this Christian worries and is bothered about many things (true confession).  Not all the time, mind you, but it’s significant enough to be a problem. 
I want to be a woman of one thing.  I have wanted to be ever since reading this story the first time.  Mostly, like Mary, I want to find peace and calm at the feet of Jesus.  Yet, that’s not my take away from this story, this time.  I really sensed the Lord asking me to prayerfully consider one word, one concept, one over-arching theme to develop and focus on in my own walk with Him.  That’s not easy to do.  I have prayerfully contemplated this for weeks.
As I reflected, a repetitive theme from 2011 emerged.  For the past nine months, I’ve been reading the Psalms slowly and very conscientiously.   Do you know how many times I have read the words, “Give thanks to the Lord…”  A lot!  On top of that, it seems every time I read those words, it was right in the middle of a time of struggle.  Not an easy concept to do at those times…  Then, I read a book in which I read something to this effect, “The problem with the American church is that we’ve become consumers of the church, not committed partners.  Our biggest hurdle to overcome is our sense of entitlement.”  The cure for entitlement:  gratitude.  I read another book and the theme of this one was that we, as followers of Christ, have become so self-centered, we are no longer others focused.  Self-centeredness has three key components:  pride, foolishness, and greed.  The one component, greed, is overcome by, yes, gratitude.  A third book was given to me, and every chapter was on giving thanks…  So there’s my word for 2012:  gratitude.  For a while at least, I want to focus on the giving of thanks. 
So, I challenge you.  If God were to ask you to become a woman focused on one thing in 2012, what would be your word?  I’d love to hear it!  I might borrow it in 2013!

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