can relate to this following quote on many levels: “I love sleep. My life has the
tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?” (Ernest Hemingway)
is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters,
in the end.”

― Ernest Hemingway

It’s been a “Hemingway” kind-of-week already.  I started the week watching Paris after Midnight.  I loved the portrayal of Hemingway, by the
way. His character spoke much like I thought Hemingway must have talked.  Short sentences. Succinct.  Filled with meaning – sort of.  Then this morning, I ran across two Hemingway
quotes.  One by accident as I was looking
for a quote on “fall” (as in the season – do you see the irony in this?), the
other from the source of all great and wise quotes: FaceBook (also note the
picture above that was with the quote).   Hemingway really has nothing to do with this blog,
but his second quote does.

Life is a journey. 
Mine has been quite a journey. 
Never a dull moment.  Full of
valleys and mountains.  Highs and
lows.  Ups and downs.  Joy and sorrow.  Confusion and peace.  Clutter, chaos, and calm.  I’ve been here and there, in the know and out
of it (mostly out of it).  It’s been
good; it’s been bad; it’s been amazing!  You
know…it’s been…life.  Just like
yours.  All journeys have an end – mine will
come one day when I “cross over the Jordan” and “walk  through those pearly gates,” and
enter the “mansion” currently being built. 
I look forward to that day, but Hemingway is right, it’s not about the
end, not really, it’s about the journey. 
Most of the time, I would love it if my journey looked like the one
above, clear roads, beautiful sunrise, straight shot ahead.  However, that’s not been my experience.  Most of the time, my journey has been more
like bush-whacking.  It’s not very
clear.  I don’t really know what’s ahead…and it’s hard to see the amazing
sunrise/sunset.  It’s hard to see the “forest
for the trees (no pun intended).” 

David Livingstone, whose heart beat, profoundly, for the
people in Africa, was criticized for going into the unknown dark world.  When he started sending back reports, one of
the mission organizations who had repeatedly turned him down for financial
support, and been most critical of his mission efforts, sent him a telegram
(something similar to a fax, for those who don’t know about telegrams).  It said something to this effect, “We’d like to
send other men to you (stop) – Have you found good roads into your area yet
(stop)”   His reply?  Well, it probably didn’t soften their hearts
and win them over.  I don’t much like it,
either. “If you have men who will only come if there is a good road, I
don’t want them (stop)  I want men who
will come if there is no road at all (stop)” 

Sometimes, God is full of grace, and gives us good clear
roads.  Most days, it’s, well, it’s a
journey into the unknown.  It’s called “adventure.”  It’s called…LIFE!  But, here’s the reminder the Lord gave me
this morning about the adventure of the journey:

Be strong and
courageous.  Do not be terrified; for the
Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).
You have made
known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with
eternal pleasures at your right hand (Ps. 16:11).
As for God, His
way is perfect (2 Sam 22:31a)
The Lord will
watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore (Ps 121:8).

Welcome to 2013!

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