These words of Jeremiah no doubt rang in Paul’s ears as he wrote 2 Timothy!

To be honest, every so often I sit down to write with a similar heavy heart.

My joy is gone; grief is upon me;
my heart is sick within me.
Jeremiah 8:18, ESV

And, so it is this morning, that I feel as if someone has placed a load of bricks inside of me.

I feel, well, I guess what I feel, is a form of anguish…

Last week, I mentioned how I’ve been shaking my head at our world (globally).

This week, I’ve moved from shaking my head in wonder at the ways of the world, to carrying a huge burden for Jesus-followers in the last days.

It’s the division among those who claim to be “Christian” that disturbs me.

I look around at “social media friends;” I read their posts; I see their memes; and my heart breaks a little more each day.

This is one of those days.

I feel the fissure splitting and deepening inside of me.

How did we get here?

How did the divide become so “Grand-Canyon-wide?”

And, who, who is able to build the bridge that can unite these two sides?

Well, duh! There’s the always-ready, always-faithful, always-correct, Sunday school answer, right?


We always point back to Jesus.

Yet, even now, as I just finished reading a few blogs and listening to a couple YouTube podcasts…”Jesus” isn’t a simple answer.


Because, Jesus-seekers, we are looking at Him through different lenses.

AND…because we are wearing different “perspectacles;” and, we are reading Scripture differently, as well.

This shouldn’t surprise us, because we read throughout the Bible that in the last days, there will be division…ESPECIALLY, in the church…and, even among families!

So, maybe, we are in last days…and, if so, that is a mood-lifter, right there! What an exciting thought!

This week I’ve read through 2 Timothy several times in different translations.

I feel for the Apostle Paul.

The man is struggling as he awaits his trial in that awful Roman Mamertine prison.

I don’t sense self-pity, but I do feel a deep-seated urgency…a great need to get his message out.

2 Timothy is POIGNANT, to say the least.

This particular letter bleeds with Paul’s own broken heart.

His betrayal by a once-loyal follower prevents him from continuing on with his preaching.

He’s bound in chains.

The men who’ve consistently traveled with him have abandoned him.

Not only have they walked out on Paul, but they are embarrassed and ashamed of him…questioning the validity of his ministry and his testimony.

Indeed, I feel Paul’s pain…experientially…in my world.

So, yes, Paul is sad about these deserters.

His heart wrenches as he hears through the prison rumor-mill of many turning away to a “false gospel…”

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.
Galatians 1:6-7

I imagine he weeps, because his love for Jesus, and the salvation of men goes DEEP.

A “different, distorted gospel” will not save men.

Paul has prayed before, and he probably prays still, “Lord, that I myself could swap places with those who do not know you, in order that they might be saved…”

I am speaking the truth in Christ—I am not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit— that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh (Romans 9:1-3).

Listen, my heart aches for some I love who seem to be following a “false gospel narrative,” but I could never pray that prayer.

I’m far too selfish.

So, what’s Paul’s answer?

What would he tell us if he were walking in our shoes in these days; in this season of uncertainty.

I know what He would say, because it is right there in 2 Timothy 1:12b-14:

I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me. Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good “treasure” entrusted to you.

Here is the bottom line.

Know. Know. Know. 
(See and understand) 


1) the One whom you say you believe
Read Jesus’ gospel, keep it in context, and tie together the thread that points to Jesus throughout the Old Testament and into the New! Don’t just read from other authors, go to the source, the TRUTH OF SCRIPTURE – I’ll say it again, in context!

2) the sound/healthy words of those who have long-standing history with Jesus (people whose opinions are free from any mixture of error; folks who’ve studied the Word and who live it faithfully).

I see far too many entrusting their minds to men and women who have “de-constructed and re-constructed,” but haven’t lived their truth out long enough to know what they believe to be SOUND doctrine.   How do we know they won’t “progress” to yet another level of “de-construction and re-construction”?  Listen – the WORD OF GOD IS NOT PROGRESSIVE. All the Lord needs us to know is found in the truth that lies inside the covers of our Bibles.

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world (Hebrews 1:1-2).

3) the “paratheke” – the pure doctrine of the gospel. Hold it firmly and faithfully, then, conscientiously deliver it to others. (Olive Tree Enhanced Strong’s Dictionary Online).

However, don’t just KNOW. KNOW. KNOW. the gospel. GUARD IT!!! Protect it. Surrender to chains for it. Be willing to be thrown into prison for its veracity.


Understand that this gospel includes God’s great love for us, our propensity toward sin, Jesus’ perfect atonement, and our need to receive His sacrifice on our behalf. 

There is no other way to the Father, but through the Son!

So, what’s the challenge from Paul to Timothy this week?

Guard the Gospel.

The One & Only Gospel!

There is no other.

Protect it with your life.

You may have to do so, literally, one day….in these last days!

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