Jesus warned His followers (us) that we aren’t promised a rose-garden-kind-of-life. In fact, He said:

“In this world you will experience sorrows, troubles of many kinds, and great difficulty, BUT you will also be comforted, discover peace, and find courage – – because I have overcome the world (Peg’s paraphrase of John 16:33).”

I love the way Eugene Peterson paraphrased this verse:

“I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” (John 16:33, MSG).

So, I guess I wonder why I’m surprised when trouble crosses my threshold?

Even more, why am I confused thinking I deserve something different?

Tough-times are simply the way of life. 

But, this week, I’ve been mentally cataloguing some of the hardships, trials and struggles I’ve experienced.

You know what has made these times bearable?

Of course, the Sunday school answer is “Jesus.” 

After all, John 16:33 makes it clear that because He has won the war over all of life’s distractions, the possibilities of our attaining peace amidst the pieces of life are assured.  

After all, He is the Good Shepherd (see last week’s post).

Yet, there’s something else.

I’ve found a common denominator in all the painful trials of life: 


That’s right, people…the very thing that can be the number one thief of joy in our lives is also one of the very things the Lord uses to bring endurability. 

As I remember the past “stuff,” what comes to mind are the people who walked with me through it. 

I’ll use the first memory the Lord brought to mind.

Bay graduated from college, with a hopeful career in the NBA ahead of him. 

We began making plans for, not just a new career, but a home, a community, and a family, because now all that looked “affordable.” 


(I do love those two words!)

The Lord soon revealed to us a different plan. His plan. One that never crossed our minds…

With a phone call from an assistant coach, and a soon to follow visit to Southern California, we were challenged to consider stepping out of the NBA for a “season” and helping to make a name for the Athletes in Action branch of Campus Crusade for Christ, along with learning more about sharing our faith: basketball being the venue.

I don’t have space, or words, to share the entire way the Lord clearly showed us this was, indeed, His will, but instead of taking the offer given by the Seattle Supersonics, when Bay was drafted the 19th player in that year’s draft, off we went to Southern Cal.

First stop…Campus Crusade headquarters in Arrowhead Springs. 

Once there, nothing really went as planned.

Just prior to our move, I’d discovered we were expecting our first child. 

Unfortunately, just fresh into this pregnancy I began battling pneumonia. 

Unable to take real cough medicine, I substituted whatever the doctors suggested to prevent coughing up a lung (which it sounded like I might do with every hack). 

In the meantime, we were attending amazing orientation classes, learning from some incredibly godly men (like Bill Bright, founder of Cru) and women, and walking up and down hills going from meeting to meeting.

So it was, in the midst of worshiping, growing spiritually, and understanding more about evangelism, I began to bleed.

We called a doctor, who recommended bed-rest, but within hours in the midst of yet another class, I excused myself due to severe cramping, and soon realized, I had miscarried our first baby.

In the meantime, as we rushed to the closest hospital in San Bernardino, I lost a significant amount of blood, needing a transfusion. So, there I stayed, hospitalized for a couple of days. 

BUT…the out-pouring of love, the comfort from our new teammates, the support from the Cru staff (including a gift of the bouquet from Bill & Vonette Bright’s daughter’s wedding that same afternoon), helped do exactly what John 16:33 promised: bring comfort, peace, and courage for the journey. 

The Lord definitely ministered to me through His Word bringing huge doses of Hope.

However, the folks He brought into my life strengthened my soul deeply. So much so, I still sense the spirit of peace that washed over me and helped me KNOW WITHOUT QUESTION, God would truly use this bad for good. 

Why this story?

Because. Because of 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. 

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.

Just as the Good Shepherd comforts us in all our afflictions, He wants to use our story of comfort to comfort others.

The Lord will turn the tables on trials, so that we can be Jesus’ arms and feet, hands and mouths, bridal bouquets and words of encouragement to those in need. 

What a blessed opportunity to see redemption in the midst of our messy HARD. 

The Lord allows us to share in suffering with Him, that we might receive His soul-soothing comfort, and, then, turn around and generously give it away.

Who in your world right now, needs the comfort with which you’ve been comforted?

Maybe you’ve been put…

to be the PRESENCE OF GOD!

The Gospel in action.

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