Time to wrap up the theme of Storyline!  As we say our farewells to some remarkable women from the Word, I want to recap what I’ve learned as I’ve pondered the STORYLINES of these amazing ladies…
·    Their stories are true stories – as sure as I live, so did they.  What they came through is a reminder that there is a season to everything I go through.
·    Their stories are stories of God’s grace at work…a reminder that His grace is at work in mine.
·    In each of their stories – God reveals His love in a myriad of ways:
Their stories remind me that He loves me no matter what I’ve done…
Their stories remind me that He could not love me more and He will never love me less.
·    In each of these stories, these women are the focus of God, the center of His attention.  He celebrates their lives! The same is true of my story.  I am the focus of His attention…I am His celebration.  Imagine!  God throws a party in heaven and, one day, I will be the guest of honor!
Write this final thought down in your Bible; and make this your final prayer!
I am a line in God’s story. 
May all that I write with my life bring Him glory!
Now…let’s start sharing our God-stories.  They are an essential part of our community of believers.
 If nothing else, from these women I’ve learned that stories build our faith! 
My story…your story…these will increase someone else’s capacity to believe God.
(Consequently, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God – the stories of God at work!  Romans 10:17)
P.S.  A new series begins next week:  “I AM”

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