I am the good shepherd (John 10:11, 14)…Part 4
Not only does a good shepherd lead…
                A good shepherd provides…
                And a good shepherd restores our souls…
                A good shepherd fights for his sheep!
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for Thou art with me;
Thy rod and staff, they comfort me.  Thou doest prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies…  (Ps 23:4-5a)
I really am not certain why Psalm 23 is primarily used as the food for funerals.  It’s a “how to” passage for life!  It’s food for today’s living soul.  It’s reminders for the journey of life, not for the dead.   I don’t know about you, but I need to know right now, today, in this very moment, that I have one who is fighting on my behalf. 
I don’t want to know that I just have a guard at the gate.  I want to know I have a knight in shining armor warring for ME!  Somewhere I came up with this belief system that tells me I am only protected as far as someone is willing to go into battle.  That’s my shepherd, Jesus!  As he leads me (and sometimes to get me to good grass and restorative waters his path leads me through dangerous places – like in the presence of my enemies), he will fight at all costs to protect me.  More than fight, he knows my fearful, anxious heart.  So, he comforts me and assures me of his presence.  I can breathe a whole lot easier when I know these truths:  I am fought for.  I am protected.  I am in his presence – always!  I am comforted…why, then, should I fear?  What can man really do to me?
Over and over again, this truth is lived out in Scriptures.  Some of my favorites:
Exodus 14:14 – “The Lord will fight for you!
Joshua – the battle of Jericho.  The Lord went before them as they marched and sounded the trumpet.  God penetrated the impenetrable walls and brought forth the victory.
David against Goliath – “You come against me with spear and a sword, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Hosts.  The battle is the Lord’s!”
Jehoshaphat – God gave him the marching orders: Go into battle with praise.  Praise confused the enemy and they defeated themselves!  The Israelites never lifted a finger.
When God’s people followed, forsaking all other gods, He tirelessly, endlessly, stubbornly fought on their behalf.  These aren’t fairy tales, or dreams, or wishful thinking.  This is our God – the God who fights on our behalf!
I need to know this truth.  In fact, as I write, it brings tears to my eyes.  Many of you don’t feel you have anyone in your corner fighting for you.  It has left you feeling insignificant and unimportant.  Let me assure you –
You are not only worth fighting for – you were worth dying for!
Fear no evil!  Your God leads.  He fights.  He is with you…always.

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