I’m afraid I’m still in a New-Year –reflection-mode… and still working on that action plan that we talked about last week.  This morning I read through Psalm 145.  From David’s pen, I formed a spiritual roadmap for 2012.  I thought I’d share this plan just to give you something to chew on through this week.  David gives us four items to focus on.  Four is a good number:  not too many things that cause me to be overwhelmed, but not too few that I’m not challenged.  At the end of 2012, I want to come back and ask myself if I accomplished these, and if I did how they impacted my life.  Because I have a feeling that if I make these a regular Monday to Friday/Saturday/Sunday thing, I’ll be the one transformed.   Isn’t this what we’re about?  Being transformed by the truth.  I want to keep growing; keep looking more and more like Jesus and less and less like Peg.  Obviously, you don’t have to make my action plan your own, I just wanted to throw these “thoughts” out there…
To begin, please take a few minutes to read Psalm 145:1-13.  Here are David’s items that he proposes working toward.  He says he will (the word “will” indicates intentionality):
1)      Extol the Lord, and bless His name daily.  David intentionally plans to meditate on who His God is (vv. 1-3).  What a tremendous goal to spend a little time each day focusing on your God.  There are some great books available to help if you want them…
2)      Speak of God’s works and declare His mighty acts to OTHER GENERATIONS (vv.4-7).  As we talk about God-stories, His work in our life and in the lives of others, the ground for growth is fertilized for faith to develop.  As a mom, and a grand-mother, I long for others to come alongside of those I love, and share God’s might, His faithfulness, His sovereignty, His grace, His action on our behalf…  It might even be someone from an older generation who needs to hear…  Make it part of your plan to share God-stories with others from all generations.
3)      Thank God for His grace and goodness in your life (vv.8-10)  – #1 is about WHO HE IS; #2 is about WHAT HE’S DONE.
4)      Share of God’s Kingdom – His rule and reign right now on earth, but also the Kingdom to come.  God’s Kingdom is eternal…I pray I can share that Kingdom and bring as many as possible into it with me.  It’s one great place (vv.11-13)

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