Thinking more about last week’s “thought”…  Look at the places people have been when they gave thanks (keep in mind this is as random as my brain):
  • Paul gave thanks in palaces before kings, in the depths of the ocean, seated before a fire on an unplanned island destination, and chained in prison.
  • David gave thanks while hiding in a cave, on the run, in the midst of battles, in the camp of his enemies the Philistines, and living in a luxurious palace.
  • Moses gave thanks in a dry desert, while walking in circles.
  • Abraham gave thanks in a tent.
  • Adam gave thanks in a lush garden.
  • Samuel and Solomon gave thanks in the temple/church.
  • Many of the prophets gave thanks while in slavery to their captors.
  • Daniel gave thanks in the den of lions.
  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego gave thanks in a fiery furnace.
  • Jesus gave thanks in solitary places and on his journey to Calvary.
  • The apostle John gave thanks in exile.
  • Jonah offered a song of thanks in the belly of the whale.
  • Jeremiah gave thanks while in stocks.
  • Mary, the mother of Jesus, sang her Magnificat in her cousin’s home.
  • Mary (the “other” Mary) gave thanks at Jesus feet.
  • Stephen gave thanks while being stoned to death in a pit.
  • The disciples gave thanks in an upper room.
  • Peter gave thanks in the middle of a city square…and before the Sanhedrin (the same ones who had Jesus crucified).
  • Cornelius gave thanks in his home.

Seems like at all times and in all places, thanksgiving is a very good thing!

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