What Humility is NOT.
I’d just written last week’s blog, and put it to bed, when I
read the following verse in my morning devotions:
Proud, Haughty,
Scoffer are his names, who acts with insolent pride (Proverbs 21:24, NASB).
  Another translation renders it this way:  Show me a
conceited person, and I will show you someone who is arrogant, proud, and
inconsiderate (GNT).
That’s a heap of noun-verbiage.  Each word critical to describing what won’t
help us get through the door to experience the adventure in Wonderland.  That made each word worth examination.
In Larry Crabb’s book, Sixty-six
Love Letters,
God says this about the book of Proverbs:  “As you
read Proverbs, expect to feel the shame of exposure.  Many of your ways are foolish.  Expect, too, to feel the appeal of wisdom.  God has given us a heart that wants to walk the
narrow road.”
Sometimes, I fear my foolishness is completely bound and
tangled up within my heart, especially when I read verses such as the above.
Here are some of the characteristics synonymous with a
not-so-humble human (from Word Study Dictionary
of the Old Testament,
Spiros Zhodiates): self-sufficient, impudent, one who
“seethes,” boils over, acts proudly. 
Just as water in a pot boils over, so the presumptuous, arrogant, person
oversteps his boundaries.  An over-bearing,
know-it-all, argumentative and contentious. 
Self-sufficient.  A scoffer: one
who makes a mouth at, is quick to interpret, to intercede, to mock, imitate,
express utter contempt toward, to boast…
This is not a pretty picture.  This kind of charisma won’t keep God huge and
me small enough to enter the door to Wonderland…
When last week’s blog ended, I wrote these words:  But, while I desire to drink humility,
it can be so hard to swallow…  
I want to take those words back.  When I look at the alternative, I’m much more
eager to drink the liquid on the table that will get me through that little door!

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