Did you read last week’s blog?  In it, I mentioned the struggle I have with
wanting to defend God from people who just can’t accept him for who he is.  Fortunately, the Bible speaks to our personal
struggles – it really is a great book!  I’ve
been learning, how to handle these situations a little bit better, thanks to my
morning conversations with the Holy Spirit in the book of Romans.  However

Over the course of the last three years, I have met off and
on with a gal who looks at everything about God (especially his character)
through the lens of her own personal struggles.  She’ll argue to the nth degree why
he just can’t be the God we think he is. 
Unfortunately, over time, her words sound much like a broken record (for
those of you who’ve never listened to a broken record, those words are symbolic
of a phrase that’s stuck on repeat).  The
result of our conversations is that I’m either for her, or against
her.  So, to present God’s perspective
from the Word, in spite of all my good intentions…well, makes me into the bad
guy.  However
I don’t think I am.  I
have a soft heart for this gal. 
Undeniably, life has been hard. 
Unquestionably, many of her desires have been unfulfilled.  Sadly, there isn’t a lot of hope glimmering
up ahead in her future.  I understand why
she could be angry with life’s hand, and God’s. 
My want-to is to be a beacon of light that shines on some semblance of
what-could-be on down the road of life.  I’ve
wanted to be a friend, and one who would “stick close.”  However
While I’m still in the book of Romans, I’ve gotten
side-tracked by some other passages of Scripture, as I attempt to hear from the
Lord on how to best respond in situations like this one.  Here are some of the verses I’ve been drawn
to read (caution:  they sound pretty
harsh) –
...reproof and discipline
is a way of life (Prov. 6:23).
…a scoffer
will not listen to reproof (Proverbs 13:1). 
Side note:  a scoffer throughout
the book of Proverbs is literally “one who makes a mouth at, refusing to seek
knowledge and understanding” and is categorized as foolish.
…a fool does
not delight in understanding; only in revealing what is in his own mind
(Proverbs 18:2).
…leave the
presence of a fool, or you will not discern words of knowledge (Proverbs 14:7).
…don’t make
friends with an angry person…lest you entangle yourself in a snare (Proverbs
I get it; this sounds like I’m looking for a way out. It has to appear as if I’m trying to justify
walking away, and not continuing to meet.  I
t sounds more like I’m protecting me (well, yes, I guess I am, sort of, so read on). I’ve searched my heart, and labored over these verses.  However
After seeking some godly counsel; after much reflection and
realizing how “entangled” I’ve become in an unhealthy way (i.e. consuming mental energy trying to help her find TRUTH); after following Paul’s
steps of honest reproof; and years of praying that the Spirit of the Lord would
get through, I am making a decision to still be friendly, but no longer meet in
an attempt to be a helper.  Sometimes,
Scripture seems to say, wipe the dust off your feet, and move on.  Sometimes, Scripture seems to say, don’t keep
giving wisdom where it isn’t received. 
Sometimes, for our own healthy mind, Scripture says to do the hard
thing, and let go.  However
My heart aches.

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