“This is my dearly
loved child, whom I regard with strong affection, and in whom I take great
pleasure!”  Words of God, the Father, to
Jesus, as the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit rested upon him following
Jesus’ baptism (Matthew 3:17).
I really needed this reminder today.  God knew I needed it.  He ordained the timing and the words jumped off the page to light in my soul like a feathered sparrow of hope.  Maybe you need them today, as well.
Jesus in me.  I, in
The Son in me.  I, in
the Son.
The Father looks down upon me, and I am so hidden in Christ
that all God the Father sees is the Son…
…and, YET, the Father knows me by name (Is 43:1), sees me as His
child (no matter how hidden in Christ I am).  For to all who received the Son, he gave the right to be
his children (John 1:12).
So, picture this –
            The heavens are opening,
            The Holy
Spirit descending…on you!

Now, hear these words spoken over you:  This is my child, dear to me, greatly
loved, and, in whom I delight.
I don’t know what these words do to you, but every once in a
while, I need to hear again how loved I am by my Father.  Sometimes doubtful thoughts arise…and these warm
and tender words stir and thrill my soul like no others. These words definitely make my heart flutter, and that little bird of hope soar in flight…
Therefore, be
imitators of God, as beloved children, and go…keep walking in that love (Ephesians
Remember this word:
Agapetos (English transliteration of the Greek “beloved.”)  
That is us!

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