If you didn’t read last week’s post, this one might not make too much sense; so, I invite you to go back and breeze through it.  We highlighted two verses, but I’ll only repeat one:

“How lovely on the mountains are the feet of her who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’”  
Isaiah 52:7

Following the Thrive women’s retreat a couple weeks ago, each volunteer was asked to do a project that symbolized the week for us.  Even then, I couldn’t get the “feet” of the women whose toes I painted out of my mind.  They had been in some difficult places, and I was privileged to listen as they shared so many of their heartaches in a safe place.  This was my project – a collage of pictures and a little journaling.  Permit me to share pieces of the journey of some of these women with you.

These are the feet that journeyed far from family and friends to share the age-old story of Jesus and His love.

These are the feet that stand in uncomfortable places, and step out of their comfort zone into sometimes dangerous worlds, in order to learn the stories of new cultures and find a niche to now call home.

These are the feet that skipped rope with children, played Duck-Duck-Goose hundreds of times, and carried covered dishes to new mothers just to earn the right of relationship.

These are the feet that have danced in rejoicing when new souls entered the Kingdom, because they dared to cross paths with and make new friends.

These are the feet that sorrowfully stood over graves and buried their babies, husbands, moms and dads.

These are the feet that stumbled and tripped but kept pressing on…

These are the feet that were uprooted and struggled to leave under one more evacuation (even as many as 11!), because to go meant leaving a piece of heart and soul behind.

These are the feet that climbed hills, forged new trails, became blistered and bruised, but never stopped, not for a second, because the fields were ripe with harvest.

These are the feet that got tired and sore and wondered if they could take One.More.Step.

These are the feet that ran through valleys and fields of wild flowers and leapt over the joy of serving Jesus.

These are the feet that returned hesitantly to American soil (yes, almost fearfully), because they weren’t sure if they could fit in a U.S.-sized-shoe anymore…or, even if they wanted to…

These are the feet that walked through the doors of our week’s retreat hoping for an easier re-entry, some rest, and renewal…

These are the feet I was privileged to massage while being honored with stories that will stay in my heart forever.

These are the feet whose toenails I painted, that slipped into new sandals and marched out the door into a parade with a spring in their step, a refreshed perspective, and a renewed hope to keep walking with Jesus…

These are beautiful feet.


I’ve been challenged and inspired by these feet.  Inspired to keep walking, leaping, running, climbing, marching, standing, going, serving, journeying, tripping, persevering, and following Jesus.  Challenged to let God move me, as He so gently does, out of comfortable places into new venues where the victory found in Jesus, and the good news of salvation, needs to be heard.  

Look at those feet again…what do they stir in your soul?

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