And Jesus entered the temple and cast out all those who were buying & selling in the temple.  He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves.  And He said to them, It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you are making it a robbers den.’  And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them…”
Matthew 21:12-14

The section heading reads Jesus Cleanses the Temple.  Had I just read the section heading, that would have been enough for this morning.  That’s really been the bottom line of my Lenten journey to the cross.  This temple needs cleaning.  Really, what it needs is an overhaul.  As I’ve exercised the seldom used discipline of “examen,” I’ve become more aware, how often I sell myself a “bill of goods.”  There are some tables that need to be overturned, and some closets that need to be cleared out.  I may not be selling doves in this temple, but I am selling myself things like: excuses, justifications, rationalizations, explanations, validations, realizations, and defense…  Some of those things are stuck so far in the back of the cupboards, I’ve forgotten they are there.  Jesus hasn’t.  He’s all about cleansing the temple today, as much as he was about it back then.  He wants this temple to be a place of prayer!  He wants this temple to be a place of healing…  So, here I am, sitting on the Monday morning of Holy Week, going back through my journal, to see what all has been dug out.  It’s time to put it all in a trash bag and take it to the dumpster!

Don’t get me wrong.  There have been some very
sweet moments with The Lord during this season, where he has been encouraging, affirming, and
reminding me of my new identity in Him. He has poured out his sweet mercy and
grace, OFTEN. However, this has been a season of preparation for the cross. So,
most evenings, and most mornings, together we’ve done some intense
soul-searching. The Lord has also reminded me, as he did the Pharisees, that he
came for the sick, and the sinful, and that is me!  More than anything He has shown me the inner
motivations of my heart, and is stripping away layers in my heart (pretty much like that of an onion, & just as tear-producing!).  Most of the time, all he has had to do was to ask me a question, or
two, and that was enough to land conviction, and a realization of these many areas of
hiddenness. Each question could be a blog entry in itself. However, I don’t
want to bore with my gory details.  Can I
simply share just a handful of those questions with you? 
Maybe they will not just be for my soul-prep as we land on Good Friday
in five days…maybe something will be for you, as well.

#1:  Am I continuing to pursue my mission
statement, as God-called, no matter my audience or its size?  Mt. 13:52

#2:  Will I stay true to my calling (&
persevere) in spite of what others think of me, or the voice I am given, even
within my household, or my hometown? Mt.13: 57.

#3:  In spite of my own “stuff” (even valid
emotions), will I respond with compassion to the “multitude of needs” that
crosses my path?  Mat. 14:1-14.

#4:  Will I let my faith be crowded out by my fear
and thus limit the work of God through me for the Kingdom?  Mt.14: 22-33. 

#5:  What man-rules do I follow just because they
are “customary” and therefore unnecessary bondage?  Mt. 15:1-3.

#6:  What’s my “measuring stick” – law or love?
Mt. 15:1-3.

#7:  What comes out of my mouth that reveals more
of my true nature?  Mt. 15:11, 18-19.

#8:  Am I applying what I am learning or simply
writing down lessons?  Mt. 15:21-18.  Am I being a hearer only, or a doer of
truth?  James 1:22.

#9:  Do I seek to glorify the Father, even as
Jesus did?  Am I truly a display of His
glory?  Mt. 15:29-31.

#10:  Christian-service is not just about providing
for the spiritual needs of others, but stepping out of our comfort zones to
help provide physical needs as well – am I? 
Mt. 15:32-39.

#11:  Have I learned to discern the signs of the
times; and, am I watching for His return…really?  Mt. 16:1-4.

#12:  Am I careful to discern and line up all
teaching with God’s TRUTH, and not just devour or dish out “leaven”?  Mt. 16: 5-12.

#13:  If people looked at my life, who would they
say Jesus was?  Mt. 16:15

#14:  Am I particular about who gets the crumbs of
my service?  See the story of the Canaanite Woman.

#15:  Like the Pharisees & Saducees, do I
demand more of Jesus “just because I want to see more tangible proof of his
trustworthiness,”  rather than hold to a simple faith based on what I’ve already
seem him do in my life?  Mt. 16:1-12

OK…I’ll stop there.  Remember there are 40 days in the Lenten
journey to the cross.  So, this is just a
little summarization of where I’ve wrestled over the past month. 
Yes, there’s more….but this is enough, right?  Sure has been for me…

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