Several weeks ago, I had a conversation with my little grandson, Ethan.  We’d spent the weekend together, and as I was driving him home, I was curious how much he understood the “Holyday” that was coming up soon.  Here was the conversation:

Me:  Ethan, do you know what holiday comes after your spring break?

E:  I don’t know!
Me:  Easter!
E:  Oh,
Easter…yay!  We get to go hunt Easter
eggs and look for money!
Me:  Yeah, you
do!  That’s so fun.  But, E, why do we celebrate Easter?
E:  I don’t know…
Me:  We celebrate
Easter, because Jesus died on a cross and three days later, on Sunday morning,
he came back to life.  He died and came
back to life again.  It’s a big deal, E!  (Pause) So, why do we celebrate Easter?
E (shouting loudly):  Because it’s a BIG DEAL!
He’s right.  If that’s
all we remember, it’s enough.  Easter is
a BIG DEAL!  It changes everything for
those of us, who recognize we are separated from God the Father by a huge gulf
of sin, and we need a Savior – someone who can bridge the gulf, by taking our
sins.  ONLY JESUS could do that…  So, he died & was buried and paid the
price for our sins, covering them with his blood; and he came back to life (we
call that resurrection) to give us a victorious way to live…

Easter is a BIG DEAL! 
I pray none of us ever forget it…and that we loudly shout it as often as we can!

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