Retreats. Any kind. I relish them. I always know that when there’s intentionality, God will show up. I was reminded of that in mid-May and, again, this past week.

There is a little island in the middle of Lake Pleasant, situated in the Adirondacks near Speculator, NY. It’s owned by Camp of the Woods, but separate from the main camp. Each week of the summer season 72 girls, between the ages of nine and seventeen, sign up to attend. They have no cell phones, no internet, no outside “contact” for one whole week, other than speakers who are brought in and the food that is delivered via pontoon. A huge percentage of girls return every year. Another large percentage return to be counselors. I have lost count of how many times I have returned to camp to speak to these young ladies. I have not lost track of how it feels to step foot on the island. The minute my feet touch solid ground, there is a definite Presence. Amidst the squeals and giggles of girls having fun, there is that special “something”…correction, there is that special “Someone.” I can’t see Him, but I know He’s there! As the girls are corraled outside of the chapel for their evening “vespers,” they know it, too. I’ve never seen young women quiet so quickly, nor burst into sweet, sincere prayer as they begin to sing before entering the building, “Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true…” They enter ready!  So, it’s no wonder, that when moms and dads pick their girls up at 9:15 PM on Friday night, they comment on the difference they see in their daughters: always a better version of themselves! I find this to be true of any collective retreat, where the focus is on Jesus, His Words, and our application.

However, personally, I prefer the retreats where it’s mostly me and Jesus. I need these times, deliberately set apart to meet with my Jesus, as well. When I get them, not as the speaker, but as the listener, God’s Spirit always shows up and meets me…EVERY TIME. In May, I went with a friend on a “journaling retreat.” While we debriefed together in the evenings, for the most part, we both individually took time that was alone with God.  I’ve enjoyed times like this before. It might be for a half day alone with the Lord; it might be for a whole day; it might be for several days. No matter the amount of time, I need them regularly. They are life-giving, life-changing, and spiritually renewing. By the end, I’m so filled up, I’m overflowing. Then, I get back into my normal routine, and I find myself wanting more. I have often wondered if that’s just a taste of what Moses felt on the mountain when he and Jehovah met, God spoke, and Moses’ face glowed so brightly he had to cover it with a veil. After a while, the glow diminished, and Moses longed for more quality God-time. Truth be told, my physical face has never glowed, but the face of my spirit has when I’ve been with Jesus. Or as the disciples on the road to Emmaus put it, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us?” My heart has “glowed” with the burning of God’s Presence speaking directly to me. Then, it diminishes…and I long for more.  Certainly, I get daily time with the Spirit of God in my quiet times. Certainly, He is faithful to speak to my soul. Yes, I am renewed on a regular morning-to-morning basis; BUT, there is NOTHING that compares to the retreating with purpose.

I love it when I hear God calling me by name, and whispering in my ear:

“Arise, my darling; My beautiful one, come away with me (SS 2:10)!”

May I encourage you to listen for His voice. He longs for you to get away, too, and hear his intimate voice speaking into your story…right where you are! He does for me; He will for you. You are Your beloved’s, and His desire is FOR YOU (SS 7:10).  Time away with your Sweet, Sweet Savior….It is ALWAYS a GOOD IDEA!

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